
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Baking, Growing, and Crafting

Randi over at i have to say... is hostessing The Recipe Box Swap today. I've added my grandmother's grape salad recipe. Consider participating, or at least checking out the delicious recipes others have shared.

Unveiling my attempt at out-of-the-box decorating:

I purchased this old metal wagon at a flea market years ago. It was coated with white paint, which has since started chipping away to show the original red. (Every room in my house has white and red...perfect!) I love found items, but rarely am able to put them to use. I had to hunt around for the wagon. Eventually I found it, out in the rain, upside-down in the dirt. It was begging for purpose.

The instructions for this simple project were posted a little while ago, but for the procrastinators and visual learners (I hope you can see my grin) I will show you how I planted this wagon of grass.

I decided to line the wagon with a plastic garbage bag. It is pretty rusty, and I didn't want water leaking on my books or armoir.

I filled the wagon an inch or two from the top with potting soil.
I scattered wheat grass seed liberally.
(For those of you having trouble finding seed, I purchased wheat berries in the bulk food section at the supermarket for 69 cents a pound. They seem to be sprouting just fine!)

I covered the seeds with more potting soil and watered. (It doesn't take much soil to cover the seeds. I added too much and had to remove some when the shoots were having trouble pushing through.)

The picture at the top is less than a week later, if you are wondering how quickly the wheat grass will grow. If it gets too tall, feel free to give it a good haircut with a pair of scissors.

Jen had the great idea of planting chives rather than wheat grass. The seeds are easier to locate, they will have a similar visual effect, and they are yummy.

I love the quote she posted on her blog:

Of all the wonderful things in the wonderful universe of God, nothing seems to me more surprising than the planting of a seed in the blank earth and the result thereof. ~ Julie Moir Messervy

Just so you know, time is never up in Project Heidi world. If you complete a project or challenge months after I've posted it, please. please. feel free to share. Leave a message in the comments, give us a link to your blog post about it, or email me pictures. [heidi (at) poetsgarden (dot) com] I would love to share pictures of your projects and links here on my blog. I don't want this to be all about me.

Next week, we will be making silhouette cut-out valentine cards, so this is your chance to get photos ready. This is the hardest part of the project. Try to get exact profile shots. Vertical pictures work the best, with the head filling as much of the frame without getting cut off. They don't have to be fancy or pretty. These are the simple shots of the boys that I used to create their silhouettes:


Mumsy said...

I am in love with your adorable wagon! I must have one of my very own.

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

I am loving Project Heidi! I was thinking about you the other day when i was in a local "exclusive" (read: very expensive) gift shop trying to spend a $25 gift certificate (which might buy a napkin there). All over the store they had (artificial) wheat grass in various containers. They looked nice, but of course I was thinking, "$45! But I can make my own REAL one for practically free!" I haven't looked for wheat grass yet, though...
I'm running a Valentine's Day contest on my blog! Come play!

Tonia said...

That wagon is so cute! What a great idea.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog through the recipe swap. I was enjoying your Open House pics ... where did you get the cute white shelves in your hallway (that hold your black & white photos)? I've only seen black shelves at Pottery Barn, etc. but never white! Also, love the travel stickers on your suitcases. Did you purchase those? Thank you for "inviting" me into your open house! :-)
~~Mary Jane~~

Heidi said...

Lindsey and Miss Spider~ Thanks! I was so glad to find an interesting use for it.

SmallWorld~ If you can't find wheat grass seed, just use real grass seed. It looks different, but it is still fun.

I thought about doing your Valentine's Day contest. I'll see what I can come up with. But I don't post embarassing pictures, so I'll probably be disqualified. :)

Mary Jane~ Thanks for visiting. I think I purchased the photo shelves at Target a while back. Not sure if they are still there...

The travel stickers were originally purchased for our shop (Poet's Garden) but you can buy various styles online such as these:

If I was smart, I would know how to make a hyperlink...

Anonymous said...

What a great project...I can't believe that wheatgrass grows so fast (and it's good for juicing!). I must admit, I haven't done any projects yet, but am really tempted by the silhouette one.

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to my only hobby. Now since I copied this from another person, I'm not sure if you can still call me creative...but I do like making felt ornaments. That is all. :)

Heidi said...

Caralyn~ Wow! How fun is that? I can't believe all the detail. are crafty. :) I copy most of my projects, too. :) Thanks for sharing the picture!

Donna Boucher said...

Oh my gosh! Of course you would have the most perfect place to grow grass :o)

So cute!

I can not find something cool to put seed in. I looked.

But I will not forget and will continue to try to find something neat to plant wheat grass in.
