
Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick

...I arise today
Through the strength of heaven:
Light of sun,
Radiance of moon,
Splendor of fire,
Speed of lightning,
Swiftness of wind,
Depth of sea,
Stability of earth,
Firmness of rock.

...I arise today

Through God's strength to pilot me:

God's might to uphold me,

God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me,
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak for me,
God's hand to guard me,
God's way to lie before me,
God's shield to protect me,
God's host to save me
From snares of devils,
From temptations of vices,
From everyone who shall wish me ill,
Afar and anear,
Alone and in multitude...

Find out more about the history of St. Patrick's Day at History.Com

Today we are making Irish Soda Bread and reading The Story of Saint Patrick.


Barb said...

I read the breastplate of st. patrick in church yesterday. I want to go back to your small talk questions and add ireland in the 7th century. Even though it was gory, mostly pagan (lots of human sacrificing going on) I would love to meet patrick. His words are so inspirational, so complete.

Barb said...

Sorry, that should be 5th century Ireland!

PandaMom said...

Yeah. Just wanted you to know that I am totally addicted to your precious blog. You have my style and I like it. I have read MANY blogs, but there is something about yours that I adore. Know that there is a Texan following your lead with homeschooling. Not to put pressure on-LOL!-, but to know that as "green" as I am in this whole venture you can chat with me too if you ever want. I am finding myself overwhelmed with the excitement of getting started with my daughter's education. Your well-thought out, yet simply displayed blog is refreshing to me. Thanks! ; )

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

When your boys get older, be sure to read Flame Over Tara to them! It is a fantastic story of St. Patrick.
(I think we read it around Grade 6)

Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi...I AM around, have been reading when I can. Just finished a week of family here (anywhere between 18 people sleeping here and up to 24 for a couple of dinners!). Then, when I thought I had a couple of days to recoup from family being here (last part of March break), we all got sick. From Thursday until tomorrow (how do I know tomorrow??? Well, dh came home early from work today b/c he wasn't feeling well, which means tomorrow he'll be full-blown sick), we've all (all 6 of us) had it. Yuck!

Have I told you lately how awesome your blog is? I love the photos, I love your home, I love your decorating style. Please come to my area and live. Or visit. We have Niagara Falls. We have Canada's Wonderland (which you now know all about 'cause I dissed Disneyworld). We've got...uhhh...the MOST snow in years and years (I was just reading that the snowfall was something like 87 centimeters last year and 231 so far this year!). We also have the CN Tower (my kids have never been, though!!! lol). So there you go. We've got SO much! lol

Heidi said...

I Was Just Thinking~ That prayer is so powerful and beautiful! It gives me the shivers. I have no desire to go to 5th century Ireland, though. :)

Panda-Mom~ Thank you so very much for your kind words! I don't think I'm much of a person to follow as far as homeschooling goes... not much experience under my belt. :) But I'm happy to share what I've got! I was so excited as Levi got closer to school age. So many plans and expectations. So much excitement to BEGIN! I haven't hit let-down yet. :) Not that we haven't hit bumps or frustrations, but that the overall experience has been amazing. I'm always up for chatting homeschooling. Thanks for visiting and commenting!

Small World~ Thanks for the recommendation. I'll have to put it on the list!

Caralyn~ I know you've been crazy busy with events and company. I just wanted you to know you were missed. :) We'd love to come visit, but.... well, how long can we be friends? :) It might be a couple years before we're up to that distance with our littles. I really want to visit upstate New York and Niagara Falls, so it would be fun to get up your way! As far as living there....I don't think I could do that much snow. How about you come this direction? Hey, now that's a great idea! I'm so sorry you've been sick. I hate the feeling when the first person comes down with something and you think, oh no, we're in this for a while! Yuck. Get better soon!

Anonymous said...

We can be forever friends, so you can come when the boys are older. ;) Up until now, I wasn't even sure where you lived. By looking at the map, it seems that you're on a similar latitude line as Toronto (ok, actually, I couldn't find your city on mapquest, so I eyeballed it). You DO realize that the Cdn. Niagara Falls is way nicer than New York's, right? So it's a must to come to Canada! Maybe one day I will come your way. I'd love to go to B.C., and you're not too far south. So maybe, just maybe (but our youngest needs to be a little older....he's only 2).