
Monday, June 2, 2008


It has been a nice change around here to have new books to choose from now that we've been visiting the library regularly. Other than our history studies, we haven't been doing much in the way of geography lately, much to my disappointment. I am going to try to add something new into our repertoire. Each week or two, I'll be picking out a picture book relating to a country, such as our book this week, Planting the Trees of Kenya.
My most exciting find at the library, however, is a gold mine in the video section. The library has recently acquired the whole set of Countries Around the World DVDs from Schlessinger Media. Covering 52 countries, the videos are targeted for elementary aged students. I'll be borrowing the DVD to correspond with our picture book. We'll read the book, watch the DVD, and locate the country on the map.

We'll continue to listen to Geography Songs, add to our Around the World landmark cards, and use the maps in our Story of the World Activity Guide. I think that about covers geography!


  1. Heidi,

    I found your blog through Kindra at 3 Guys, a Girl & a Prim place.

    Wow! I wish our library had DVD's like that! You did hit a gold mine! We'd love to have access to those! Most recently, we've had some great missionary story books and it would have been great to be able to follow it up with one of these videos!

    I also love your photos of the covered bridge in the other post! I just LOVE covered bridges. One of my dreams is to take a road trip through the New England states to see all the covered bridges!

    I'd like to invite you to stop in and visit my blog sometime.

    I forgot to tell you that we are a homeschooling family too. I've got 1 that I'm still homeschooling. (She's 9). My oldest graduated last year. We homeschooled all the way through with him and I miss having him here too all day with us!

    Have a great week!

  2. Ooooo, I wish our library had those videos!!
