
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Death of Me

Just look at these two adorable, innocent, perfect little boys playing on an old teeter-totter at their grandparents' house. What you don't know is that they are in league together. I am positive they made a pact to see how difficult they could make life for their mother. And it might be the death of me.

Leif has figured out how to open two different child gates blocking the kitchen. There is now nothing to stop him from wrecking havoc in that sacred place and he must be watched 24/7. What does he do in the kitchen? You may well ask. A couple mornings ago he got a cup out of the drawer, got the OJ out of the fridge, unscrewed the cap, and poured himself a cupful. And then poured a great deal on the floor. (This trick is even more amusing with the grape juice.) He scoots a chair over to the counter and climbs on up (plays with the hanging light, dances on the counter, gets into whatever might be placed on the counter....), or he throws things in the clothes washer while it is on spin cycle, or.... well, really, the possibilities are endless for this kid. This is all. day. long. I'd put him in the play pen for a break, but he climbs right out....

Then there is Luke. My mother bought him a shirt that says, 'I do my own stunts.' That pretty much sums it up. A month or two ago he jumped off the porch railing. I won't even tell you how high it is. Now he is all over the place with his bike and wants to 'do tricks.' Lovely.

Poppy (grandpa) introduced him to 'the ditch' when we were visiting yesterday. Luke took one look at it and rode full speed down and back up again without hesitating, the grin never leaving his face. He has been without training wheels for a whole month. And he just turned four. I am not going to live through his childhood.

When he had his fill of bike riding, he switched to the bar and rings on the play structure. He has amazing upper body strength and has always enjoyed playing on it, so I wasn't paying much attention until he asked me if I wanted to see his trick. Sure. (How bad could it be?)
Oh, hanging by his feet. No hands. No problem. I'm picking out my headstone right now.

Levi, of course, is no exception. He was climbing on everything and jumping on a mini trampoline by his first birthday. How did I end up with three (make that four, counting Russ) crazy boys? Where is the quiet life I signed up for? HELP!!


carole said...

*Large GRIN*
I know what you are talking about. I have stopped telling the boys not to climb to the very top of the swing set. They are going to do it no matter what I say! And Will and Peter are very much in league with one another. Sometimes it's a little hard to tell who's the ringleader and who's the sidekick. Just a few weeks ago Will started calling Peter "Boston." As in, I overheard something like, "Hey Boston, what's your 10-4?" (They were in the kitchen zeroing in on the brown sugar container)

Precision Quality Laser said...

LOL...such is the lot as a mother of boys! Mine aren't quite as adventurous as your's but they are just as creative. I remember one morning very soon after I had our daughter, waking up to a lot of clatter and chatter in my kitchen. I came out to find they had attempted to make themselves pancakes for breakfast...BY THEMSELVES! Fortunately they hadn't made it to the stove yet, but they had poured the mix and water together..
I pray for wisdom and energy to keep up with them mentally and!


Mrs. Q

Dreams of a Country Girl said...

i feel your pain sister...i feel it..

AMM said...

I'm hearing you too :) Only even my girl is like that! Doesn't really need to learn to talk - she just helps herself to the fridge, pantry, water, clean diapers - you name it. And all of mine have been master-climbers too by the good old age of about 10 months. So today, when it all feels a bit much and I wonder where the docile genes ended up, I'm going to remind myself that precious mums like you all over the world are learning and practicing patience along with me!

spanki said...

welcome to the world of BOYS!! i feel your pain sister!! where is that quiet life?? if you find it, will you invite me to just visit for a while???

Jen Rouse said...

Well, I have three girls, and our life here is many things, but not exactly quiet. They do their share of getting into things too, but more than that is the daily (hourly, minutely) emotional ups and downs. I don't want to perpetuate negative female stereotypes, but I just can't help it: my girls can be such drama queens. They can go from giggly, happy and sweet to red-faced screaming in about half a second. As a matter of fact, I just heard it happen right now. They were running around playing outside, and suddenly Lucy is crying her way toward me, getting louder and louder as she comes, not a quiet life. A good one, but not quiet.

Anonymous said...

yah... after three boys, my girls are a cup of tea... my heart rate stays nice and calm around them and their baby dolls. However my eardrums are another story...these two girls have definitely outdown their brothers in the vocal pitch department! aint it great?!

Heidi said...

Carole~ Boston?! Bwa-ha-ha! That is hilarious!

Mrs. Q~ Ewwww. Pancakes. *I* make a mess making pancakes. I can just picture a little boy disaster... Ugh.

Jen~ My oldest boy is a bit of a drama king, so I didn't even escape that one, LOL! As one of three girls, I understand what you're saying though...

Thanks for commiserating everyone. Makes me feel a little better knowing I'm not alone. :)

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Oh my goodness, I just convinced my 4.5 year old girl to lift her feet off the ground when hanging from the rings. I must say, your little monkey hanging by his feet is quite impressive!

~ Sarah

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one that worries how I will make it though their childhood! The picture of Luke hanging by his feet is priceless! I would have tried to get that picture too though, so when I get older and have gray hair, I could go back and blame it on him :)
Somehow it scare me more seeing Kenzie do the things the boys do and did when they were younger.

Renee said...

Bless your heart, I want to reach out and give you a hug. I know exactly how you are feeling, and I too feel that exact way most days! My kids are 7,5 and 1, very close in age to yours. The combination of their needs at these ages are so...much! And my children, like yours, are so different. One needs affection and attention, one wants to spend time together, and one needs so many questions answered and so much affirmation right now! And then there is the endless activity and messes! Some days it can suffocate. Even the most wonderful, precious, wouldn't-trade-this-life-for-the-world days are still difficult and tiring, amongst the blessing. Praying for refreshment and continued happy memories for you, Heidi! The pictures are adorable!