
Thursday, July 31, 2008

You're It!

I've been tagged by Nicole over at Crafting Happens. I don't always get around to participating in tags or awards, but...

1. Where have you traveled? My parents took the three of us girls on a driving trip around the U.S. when I was 17. We visited about 36 states. It was incredible. I've also been on short trips to Canada and Mexico. My hubby took me to France and Germany 5 years ago!

2. Where would you like to live? I'm content to live in this house in the Willamette Valley for as long as I am alive, but I'd love to go visiting to other great locations.

3. What is your decorating style? Hmmm. Heidi? Grin. Knock-off Pottery Barn?
4. How many times have you been married? Once, and I plan to keep it that way.
5. What is your favorite color? Nicole answered, 'I love all colors but if I had to pick a favorite, I guess green. No red. I mean turquoise.' That pretty much sums it up.

6. What is your proudest accomplishment? Nothing can compare to creating and raising my three boys (up to this point, of course), but I can only take partial credit for that one.

7. What would we be absolutely shocked to learn about you? I don't know if this will shock you, but I am lazy, lazy, lazy. Lack of self-discipline is my worst enemy.

Hmmm. Whom do I feel like tagging today? Let's try Spanki at The Mills Family and Jennifer at Planted by Streams, if they're up to it. If anyone else would like to play along, feel free to leave your answer(s) in the comments or on your blog.


spanki said...

i have never been tagged, this will be so fun, thanks for picking me!!!

Anonymous said...

That was fun learning more about you. I'm incredibly lazy, too!!! I've been thinking a lot about my undisciplined life lately. Sigh. I'll tell you if I come up with any answers after my nap. (Actually, to tell you the truth, I DID have a nap after this morning's swimming lessons with the kids and I should have been packing for this long weekend's camping trip. It's now 5:30 and though I have everything here I need, nothing is packed AND I'm on the computer. How's that for lazy? Or is that stupid?)

Jennifer said...

Hey, thanks! I've never been tagged either.


Anonymous said...

I'll play along, these are always fun!

Barb said...

You're right, I don't believe you about being lazy. I think your version of lazy is another woman's industrious. Why, just look at your boys...they are a reflection of your energy and creativity.

5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

It's a seriously small world! I met Spanki a few weeks ago at a photography class in a little ole' Texas town. She recognized me from commenting on your blog and a few others we visit. How funny!

You are well-traveled. The furthest I've been is Mexico and I live in Texas.

Have a great Friday!

Skeller said...

How fun - I've been to that cute little corner in Rottenburg, too (your first photo). I did one semester of my sophomore year in Heidelberg, Germany (my college's Year in Europe program). I think I vaguely remember someone saying it was the most photographed street in Europe. So me and my Canon Sureshot joined the masses...

Heidi said...

skeller~ That is too funny! I took that picture and then when we got home I noticed my mom's huge framed print in her hallway was a photo of the same spot. That is hilarious that it is the most photographed street in Europe. Gorgeous place, though. I can see why. :)

What an exciting time you must have had in Germany! What were you studying?

Skeller said...

how bizarre. I left a long comment here yesterday, but it's not here. Oh well (the joys of the internet). I wasn't studying anything in particular, just satisfied some GEs, enjoyed traveling all over Europe, and managed somehow in one short semester to get strep throat, a broken nose, and chicken pox. I was soooo ready to come home at the end of that semester!