
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Monet Estelle

I got down on my knees and begged my bff to let me take pictures of her daughter. I'm starving for girl subjects around here, and Monet is a gorgeous girl, blonde ringlets and all. Oh, please, oh, please!!

We had an absolute blast, and I'm thrilled with the way the photos turned out. Char, can you believe I have them posted already? I wanted to play around with the editing all night, and it was torturing me not to post what I've finished. Here is a peek:


Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

Oh what fun! Heidi are you doing everything now through the "totally rad actions" or do you still have to use photoshop before using rad.


And the photos are just gorgeous! If your boys would love to see some carnivorous plants eating drop on by my boys have recently gotten several types and I have enjoyed taking pictures of them.

Anonymous said...


TidyMom said...

Just gorgeous!!! what a beautiful little girl too!!

Skeller said...

Oh! Be still my heart! Such Girly Goodness.

Heidi, these images are BEAUTIFUL. You did a terrific job!!! The lighting, the landscape, the antique-y props, the different angles from which you took the photograph, the darling G.I.R.L. Monet... all perfectly perfect. :-)

Heidi said...

Thanks, ladies! It was so fun to have a girl to photograph!

Beth~ I used Totally Rad Actions on all of these photos. Nothing else. I'll have to 'visit' with my boys to check out the carnivorous plants. I'm sure they'll enjoy that. :)

Anonymous said...

Those are really lovely photos. Such a beautiful subject, too! And I absolutely love her name . . . is that her real name? It`s lovely.

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

They are all fabulous, but the one of her squatting down from behind? LOVE IT!

Lacy said...

How fun!!! I love the touches of read and they came out fabulous. Awesome work Heidi.

Jennifer said...

Beautiful! I love the props. The red boots with the white eyelet dress... perfect!

Very nice work!!


Anonymous said...

Heidi, such beautiful work. What a cutie Monet is!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

These are so precious!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Your photos are so wonderful to look at it! They are really special and you are VERY talented! I love the one with the red phone and her hands folded to sweet!

-Sandy Toes

Unknown said...

I literally *gasped* at the beauty of these pictures. Literally, truly breathtaking. The hair, the dress, the boots, the field. *sigh*. Spectacular. I love pictures but am an absolute amateur, and I have only just discovered what miracles photoshop actions can do to already stunning pictures, I had no idea. Photoshop is now definitely on my wish list of future gift options for Prairie Guy to keep in mind =D but for now I'll keep blissfully enjoying my amateur sooc shots since the subjects are so near and dear to my heart that even grey and underexposed, they are beauty captured in this momma's eyes =D.

lyriquesoprano said...

These are absolutely lovely! You captured the sweet personality of a lovely little Monet. I love the color palate of white, black, natural colors and a splash of red which contrast the cobalt blue of Monet's eyes. My favorite is the photo is angled down on her to feature her little red lips that match her little red boots!

Did you use a filter on your camera or just add a diffuse glow with Photoshop? Whatever you did, it is breathtaking! My niece is famous now!

spanki said...

heidi, once again you amaze me and make me put my game face on!! i'm totally on the wrong playing field! i just got my copy of cs3 in the mail friday! i tried to download PW's set 1 the free set first, but it is coming out in all text script??? i have a mac so i don't know if that is what is wrong, would you happen to know what i do from here? it is saved on my desktop, in a file, but all is text. i downloaded another action from a different site, and it went right into my "action" thing in cs3 and works fine. do you have any idea what i did?

Heidi said...

expat mom~ Yep. It is her real name (pronounced like the painter). Isn't it beautiful?

prairie chick~ What are you talking about?! I love the photos on your blog! :) Did you notice I added you to the links on my sidebar. Photography is such a progress thing. We just do the best we can where we are at and grow and learn. The important thing is to keep taking pictures and seeing things in new ways!

lyriquesoprano~ Hey, girl! How is your beatiful baby? Shan's looking forward to seeing you this week! That photo you mentioned of Monet is my favorite, too! I didn't use a filter. Just photoshop actions. I'm addicted. :)

spanki~ I had to go to Photoshop and find a window with tabs that said 'history' and 'actions'. I clicked on actions and then a little arrow on the far right of the tabs. A menu came up. I clicked on 'load actions.' Then I think a screen came up with my documents and I had to click on the actions file I wanted to load. Clear as mud? It took me a while to figure that all out. This technology thing doesn't come easy for me. :) I hope that helps you out rather than confuses you even more, LOL.

Thanks for the kind words, everyone!!

Unknown said...

I am in your sidebar and you like my photos? I must be dreaming. Truly honored, but totally dreaming, LOL!

Carrie said...

Oh my goodness! These pics are beautiful! I love the props and the RED...perfect! Nice work Heidi!

Anonymous said...


The file isn't zipped, so if you open it you may see the internal "code".
Just move the file to your actions folder, or try to load it up like heidi suggested. On others you may have had to unzip them first.

Or, if this doesn't help, make sure to hold down the OPTION key before you click on the download link at PW's site. (See the note she left below the download link).