
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Oh, Levi

Even at a very young age, the photos snapped of Levi at the beach rarely show his feet touching the ground. I love watching the delight he expresses (running or digging) at the beach. I hope he never loses that!

(Levi watched me wet the jumbo pretzels before baking so that the salt would stick to them.) Mom, that one's already been anointed with water.

(Levi glanced at the skirt I was wearing. It had a pattern that resembled chain links.) Mom, you could dance in Les Miserables with that skirt. (Apparently as part of the chain gang, LOL!)

(We were heading into Safeway and Levi mentioned that he should have brought Moby Dick with him. I was completely at a loss trying to figure out what Moby Dick had to do with grocery shopping.) Uh, Starbucks?! (Pointing at the attached coffee shop. He must think me very dim, but I still couldn't figure it out. Either I need to hide the Illustrated Classics from him or I have some serious reading to do. Who knew there was a character named Starbuck in Moby Dick? Not I.)

This room has a makeover!

(Of a box of doughnuts.) I'll just hold it and look at the contents.

The track diverges.

Mom, why are you astounded?

Lukie has snow in the house! Lukie, dispose of it!

(As he sits down to a breakfast of pancakes, his favorite meal.) I wish Narnians ate pancakes. I think High King Peter would have liked a good meal.... Maybe he could have taken some provisions from England.

Mom, could you coax Lukie to eat his soup?


Shell in your Pocket said...

Great pictures..what kind of camera do you have?
-sandy toes

Studio Sixteen Six said...

Wow! Such smart boys... they are blessed to have such a wonderful mother to teach them! Merry Christmas!

Susan said...

The payoff of good literature. I love to hear the words my daughter uses that come from her books. My girls love Little House on the Prairie and I just laughed one day when my oldest said, "mom, I'll fetch that for you."


Anonymous said...

This cracks me up because my boys are the same way. My 9 year old came out the other day and told
me he had taken the liberty of changing something (I forget now) but it is pretty funny when they speak that way. The rule in our house is you need to know the meaning and be able to spell the word, only because the big brother likes to use big words with the little brother because he thinks that he (little) doesn't know the meaning :)

Anonymous said...

It's obvious he's quite the reader! ~Tera

Jennefer said...

Oh, these are always my favorite posts (Levitical Sayings)...with your amazing quotes and beautiful photos running a close second and third!!! He sounds like such an amazing little man. Hope I get to meet him (and the rest of you all) some day!


Aja Jenise said...

Has he always been so mature beyond his years? It just tickles me to hear such a young man speak so eloquently...

Your little guys are quite popular in our house!! Silly eh? With two girls... I have one that is four with boys on the brain... and my seven year old just wishes she could join in the charades and adventures with them.

Heidi said...

Yep. They just soak up good books and that's what comes out. :)

Sandy Toes~ I use a Nikon D50 and usually touch up the photos in Photoshop.

Lisa~ What a great rule, LOL!

Jennefer~ Wouldn't that be fun to meet some day! I don't think I'll be in your neck of the woods anytime soon, but if you ever come to Oregon, let me know. :)

Aja~ Well.... I don't know if I'd use the word *mature* LOL! but he has always talked like that. :) My 4 yo, on the other hand, doesn't have a whole lot to say, and my 2 yo emphatically gets straight to the point. I'm guessing that is how he'll always be, personality wise. He doesn't let grass grow under his feet. Seriously. I know Levi would adore your girls. He's that kind of kid. :)

Anonymous said...

It`s so obvious he`s a book lover! I remember my parents laughing at some of the stuff I came out with when I was his age (I read a lot of Narnia and Enid Blyton books, so had British overtones in most of my speech). Can`t wait till my boys hit that age, though I think Dante will be like your second born, too, very quiet. Dorian never shuts up though and I love it.