
Friday, December 5, 2008

Joy in the Unexpected

Levi and Luke were outside enjoying the cold, beautiful, sunny day.

Levi comes to the front door and yells for me. I rush to find out who is hurt. Levi looks up at me with pure delight on his face. He holds his hands up so that I can see his treasure.

A fistful of grubby carrots discovered in our little veggie garden, they survived the past months of cold and rain. Carrots in December. Levi says, 'They're stranglers." He so rarely misuses words. I have to laugh at his stragglers. Actually, they do look a little strangled.

Luke and Levi follow me into the house to watch me clean them up. Levi asks to pick one from 'the crop.' Both boys eat the fresh carrots for a pre-lunch snack with smiles on their faces.

Truly, it is the little things that bring joy to life,
especially the unexpected little things.


Breezy said...

I received the book in the mail today! The packaging was so sweet, and I can hardly wait till I finish Frankenstein so I can start The Little French Girl!

Thanks again so much and Merry Christmas,

Ash said...

How sweet is that!? Proud little farmers.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Good job, boys!

Anonymous said...

This so reminds me of when I was Levi`s age. My mom had a huge garden and every year after she`d finished harvesting, we`d go out to the garden for our "bonanza" (there was a salad bar restaurant by that name at the time). We`d dig up the last few carrots, pick the frostbitten peas that matured too late and nibble half-formed cobs of corn, all raw, all straight from the garden. It was WONDERFUL! :)

Ruskin said...

I bet they smelled and tasty so wonderful. Growing your own is such a great way to get children to love their veg. Great crop there!

Anonymous said...

so fun to get caught up with you and your sweet family after a long (day, week, month) of getting the house ready to sell, visiting my bro in NC and starting to think about Christmas.

did you get your package yet? our mail is slower than molasses....

jodi fl-pa

Heidi said...

Breezy~ Glad to hear it made it safely! Enjoy!

Jodi~ Yes, I just received the package today! Thank you so much. I can't wait until I have a few minutes to start browsing through the books. You're a gem!