I originally wondered whether I would run out of things to say, to share, to dream. It turns out that my list gets longer with each passing day. I have so many things in store for this blog in just the next few months! I have questions about homeschooling, photography, and design to finish answering (I will, I promise). More vacation pictures to share, book reviews, deep thoughts on life and lovely, a new series coming up, as well as an exciting new project I am collaborating on with my sister... Trust me, you won't want to miss it!
I wondered whether anyone would read what I had to say, or enjoy seeing life through my lens. And, look, you're still here! Some of you have been around for most of the two years, some of you are new to Mt. Hope, but I am thankful for each and every one of you.
To show you how much I appreciate you,
I am giving away a $30 Amazon gift card.
To enter this contest, please leave a comment on this post! If you're feeling up to it, introduce yourself (especially if you haven't commented before), let me know how long you've been reading, what posts you've enjoyed or found helpful in the past, or what you would like to read in the future. Please don't be shy! Commenting is easy. Grin.
This contest will be open until midnight on Saturday, February 21st. I will announce the winner on Monday, February 23rd.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to remind you that I've set up a virtual bookshop, Mt. Hope Literary Buffet, through Amazon to share my favorite titles with you. Be sure to check out the various categories in the box on the right hand side. Many of the categories have sub-categories, as well.

You can always access this store by clicking on the icon on my side bar. Yes, I do receive a small percentage of each purchase, even if you simply access Amazon through my site and purchase books other than ones I've recommended. For some of you, this may be a simple way to support Mt. Hope Chronicles.
See you in the comments!
Hi Heidi -
I have been reading your site for the past 3-4 months or so and have been so encouraged by all your homeschooling and literary pursuits with your kids. I feel like we would be great friends if we lived closer. thanks for sharing your thoughts and perspective. I look forward to more!
Mary Faith
Oooh, I'll enter!
I'm Heather and though I've left a comment or two in the recent past, I've been lurking for a while :)
I love your blog, and I always get an extra chuckle out of your school & little boy posts b/c I have 3 boys of my own (and a 1yo baby girl) and I know what that is like!. We home school, too, following the WTM guidelines, and your ideas are always inspiring! I've even checked our your book suggestions and have found several good ones, all new to us. So thank you for your hard work... I'm one of the many who benefit from your generosity!
I also love your decorating tips, your book lists... well, all of it, and can't wait to see what you have in store! If I can make one read-aloud recommendation-- my boys and I just finished The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo and it was absolutely fantastic! Have a tissue on hand though; you'll need it!
Ok... enough about me. Have a super day, and thanks again for sharing :)
Goodness, what's not to love about your blog! Your photography inspires me - even though I don't possess anything close to your photography skills! And I love to read anything and everything you post about homeschooling and gain info for our own homeschool adventures.
Thank you for the contest - it's another lovely perk of visiting your blog!
Kathy =)
Hi Heidi! I've been reading your blog for about a month now, and still haven't worked my way through the archives. My husband and I are contemplating a move to the country and homeschooling our kids, so your blog is perfect for helping me live vicariously in the meantime. :) Plus I adore your beautiful photos!
I've never commented, but been reading a couple of months; my sister sent me the link when you were going through the homeschool materials you use, as we are beginning kindergarten in the fall. I read every day now :) Thanks so much!
Congratulations Heidi!
I have been reading your blog for the past eight months (I think).
My favorite parts are your decorating tips! You make it accessible to people who were not blessed with decorating genes and have a budget to follow.
I come to your blog for beauty and inspiration...keep up the good work!
I have truly enjoyed your site and have been stopping by for the last few months. I also have 3 little ones in my life and live in the Portland Metro area. I have enjoyed your post on decorating and have loved looking at photos of your home! I have also enjoyed a glimpse into your lives and feel inspired to homeschool my own children. Very inspirational!! Thank you so much for sharing part of your world with us.
Hi Heidi,
I've been reading for about 8-10 months. We have a lot in common and it sounds like we follow the same homeschooling style. Love your blog. As I commented on before, our kids even have matching scars. Thanks for providing a great blog. I'm looking forward to your future projects. If you have an html code for your blog button I'd love you to send it to me. Thanks,
I don't know if I've commented before or not, but I love your blog and have been reading for maybe 6 months or so. I especially like your homeschooling post as we have been doing some homeschool preschool and will begin Kindergarten in the fall. You're photography is beautiful and I also love all your decorating ideas. Congrats on your blog being 2 years old :) Clara
Hi, Heidi!
I have been reading your blog for about 6 months. A friend passed along your url. I consider it a great gift that she gave to me. With three little ones and 700 little ones at my school, I am always looking for resources, inspiration, and understanding. Thanks for providing all three.
I know just what book to buy. Wish me luck!
today is the first day I've read your blog and now I can't even remember how I found it! However, I'm sure I'll be back lots of times - I look forward to getting to know you better!
I have really appreciated your posts about homeschooling. I've known for some time that I wanted to do the Well Trained Mind, but every time I sat down, I just got overwhelmed with all the options. All of your posts gave me a starting place, and while I haven't made the same choices as you in all areas, we are well on our way. I'm taking it slowly, adding one subject at a time, but we finally have direction, which is wonderful. So thanks for all those posts (and the other ones are fun to read, too!).
Hi there, Heidi. I don't know if I've been around since the very beginning but for a long time. I know I found your site through Heather T.'s blog. I love your gorgeous pictures and your posts about decorating ideas. They are especially helpful for people like me, who would LIKE to have a gorgeous home but don't really know where to start.
Also, although at this point we've chosen not to home-school our kids, I've found your homeschooling posts very inspirational. It's the first model of homeschooling I've ever read about where I could actually see the benefits from it and imagine myself wanting to do it. I am thinking about doing some informal lessons with my girls over the summer to point them on the way toward reading and writing, using some of your recommendations. If we ever change our decision about schooling our kids (since it's not something that's set in stone forever but will likely vary depending our on our particular children and their own needs) I'll definitely be re-reading your old posts for help.
Enter me please..how fun! I love your posts about your kids and adventures!
-sandy toe
Hi Heidi,
I have been reading your blog for about a year now. I love hearing about your homeschool and decorating ideas. You have inspired me in so many ways. One thing I have learned from reading about your life's journey is to invest in myself. I am a better mom by reading good books, taking time to do a little decorating (which I really enjoy) and by taking creative pictures (which I also enjoy). I find I have more to give when I'm learning too and by making their learning fun. I am not a very good writer, but I am learning that as well and trying it on my own blog. Thanks for the inspiration, and many blessings to you and your family.
Hi Heidi! I've been reading and commenting since probably pretty close to the beginning of your blog! I love the look of your blog, your photos, your quotes, and your decorating ideas! And the names of your kids and that I think they are your real kid names, and not their blog names!
I just started following a few weeks ago. I began homeschooling my kindergartener this year and appreciate hearing the ins and outs of how other people do school. I'm always up for new good ideas!
I've been reading your blog for over a year and love the variety of things you discuss. I especially love your craft and decorating ideas and your photography is awesome! I look forward to your continued musings.
I've been a fan for a little less than a year. I started blogging at the end of February last year. I'm pretty sure your boys atracted me at first since I am a mother of 2 little boys. :) But then I remember looking at your blog for a good hour one late night and discovered you knack at decorating and teaching your boys. And I was forever hooked. :) Happy anniversary!
I have been reading your blog for over a year. I think photography directed me to your site and then after reading I was hooked. I also have 3 boys -31, 28, 25 and live probably an hour or so north of you.
I have had a blog for about 4 years and mostly post about scrapbooking, my journey in my faith, and my 2 grandchildren ages 4 and nearly 2 ... yes! One granddaughter ... after nearly 60 years of having an all-boy "family tree" (husband's side of the family)!
I've wanted to leave a comment for a long time so I'm glad to finally introduce myself and say "Happy Anniversary!" -Karen
Hello! I'm Elaine and I've been checking in here for the last couple of months. I believe I found you via I Heart Faces, and once I discovered we lived in the same neck o' the woods (pretty close anyway), I had to come back! :) I've been encouraged by your posts on homeschooling. I just have one boy and homeschooling has been a big challenge for me. Thank you for sharing your own experiences and resources.
Wow, 2 years. I must have caught you right at the beginning - having met your blog through Well-Trained Mind forums.
Your blog can be described in one word: rest. Or: peace. Or: restful/peaceful/beauty/calm.
Whenever I click over here I breathe a sigh of calm. That's what you project through the internet. So, thank you. Keep it up sister!
Congratulations Heidi! I'm happy to have been recommended your blog as you have inspired me in many areas. Please enter me in the drawing! :) ~Tera in Salem
I've been reading since last summer when you guest posted at Simple Mom during the same week that I did. I subscribe and read everything and enjoy your photography.
I love your blog! I have been reading it for the past several months. I love books and reading too! I LOVE the pictures of your sons reading, so sweet. I am a teacher and that is what I want to instill in all of my kids- the love of reading. I love all of your posts about books- many of them have been very good recommendations. I LOVED The Mysterious Benedict Society. Keep 'em coming!
I have a secret addiction to amazon, so this is a fabulous prize, in my opinion. I think I have been reading for a year or so. I love your decorating and home schooling suggestions!! Looking forward to another year of inspiration!
Thank you so much for sharing your insight! I love your blog and visit daily. Thanks again!
Congratulations, Heidi! I've been reading your lovely blog for about a year and have commented a handful of times (most recently I mentioned our mutual friend Cheris...small world, indeed!). Thanks for all your thoughtful posts on homeschooling and books. I love reading all your book suggestions for kids and adults. So glad to hear you have lots more to share! I'm looking forward to it!
Hi, my name is Dani. I have been reading your blog for quite some time but I am not sure if I ever commented. I love almost everything about your blog but especially the pictures! I love watching your family times and hearing abouit homeschooling. Even though I do not have any kids, the subject still fascinates me. Thank you for your blog. It is one I look forward to reading.
It's Christina. I've got a question. Do you or any of your readers have ideas about audio books for a 5 year old boy? We love Magic Treehouse.
I've been reading for several months now and really enjoying your posts on homeschooling. Your tour of the schoolroom has really inspired me- we are getting ready to do ours soon and I've taken some inspiration from you. This has quickly become one of my favorite blogs!
I've been following your blog the last several months. I homeschool my four children with a Classical / Charlotte Mason hybrid, so I appreciate all your homeschooling posts. I'm always looking for good books! I love the beauty that you capture in the everyday photos. You have a great blog! Thanks for sharing.
Happy two-year blogaversary! I think I found you as I surfed blogs for school room ideas. I so enjoy your posts on homeschooling, your beautiful photographs, and the whole tone and purpose of your blog. Thanks for sharing yourself with us! And thank you for a great giveaway!
I lurk a lot and post occasionally. My favs are the decorating posts--I love to peek into other people's homes! :)
~ Sarah
Hi Heidi,
I stumbled upon your blog (not sure how) back in November or early December and I've been hooked ever since. You are inspiring. You are intentionally living and that is fantastic! It's hard to pick a favorite post, but I have to say the couple you did around Christmas (2008) where you went for a family walk and then the one before that where you go to your mom's house for Christmas -- there's no place like mom's house for Christmas ... I loved those! Made me long to be with my mom at her house! Thanks for sharing your daily life with us!
Alysa (www.alysainchicago.blogspot.com)
I have been visiting your blog for probably close to a year now. I don't remember exactly how I found it, but it was one of your cute decorating posts that drew me in, and then I fell in love with everything else you've got going on here! I can't keep away! Keep it coming!
Congratulations! I'm still enjoying your blog, and I love the pictures.
I have been reading your blog for months now, maybe even a year? I can't remember when I first happened upon it or what brought me here but I was instantly hooked. I enjoy checking almost daily.
I have enjoyed so many of your posts, from homeschooling to decorating. I will say I really enjoy your decorating posts, just hearing about what you've done in your home and how you've pulled from different areas, etc.
I began reading your blog about 8 months ago. I happened upon it shortly after I decided to homeschool my children and I decided to add it to my blog list not just for the homeschooling information you share, but your photography and decorating. You are a real mom "Martha Stewart" and I really enjoy living through yoU!
I have no idea how long I have been reading here, but I *love* this place, you soothe me, minister to me and inspire me!
Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary! Hmmm, how long have I been following your blog? Maybe a year. I love the beauty of your incredible photos and your insight. I'm looking forwarding to getting more decorating ideas and I'm still on a quest to find the perfect pedastal bowl...all because of you!
Love, love, love your blog. I enjoy (and share!) your perspective on many things, and take encouragement from the ups and downs you share. I'm living just north of you, in Lake Oswego, with my husband, two "babies" of 10 and 13, and at the moment, 10 labradoodle puppies. Our house if fairly bursting with life at the moment!
Happy blogiversary-Debi
Heidi...I've been reading your post for about 3 months and I really enjoy everything you put on here. I love your photography...but my favorite are your booklists. I'm working my way through them and really enjoying them. I homeschool and I love that you are a kindred spirit who loves books as much as i do. Is share your site wtih many of my friends who are searching for reading material for themselves and their kids.
-- Sierra
I have been coming here for inspiration for over a year now... books, photography, homeschooling, decorating, life with boys.
Over the weekend, my husband and I watched Dear Frankie (on your recommendation). It's now on my favorites list for sure. Oh, how many wonderful things I have been introduced to through my blog friend in Oregon. : )
Always a pleasure to visit...
Hi Heidi,
I've been reading your blog for maybe a year and a half. I love your homeschooling and decorating ideas. That 30 dollar gift card would be used for early reading books (yup, for 3 year old Jack - of the you tube fame). Thanks for all your suggestions!
congratulations on 2 year heidi!
Dear HeiDi,
I have read your blog for half year.I do appreciate everything you share with us.I am a teacher from GuangXi province China.Eventhough we are far from each other.But the same as a woman,I learnt a lot from you.You are doing a great job.Thank you so much.Congratulation on two years Mt.Hope Chronicles.I will go on looking forward to your blog.
Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary! I guess I must have been reading since near the beginning. I can't think of anything I *don't* like about MHC ;-), but the posts I enjoy the most are probably your decorating posts and book lists. Your "One Little Word" posts last year are *still* inspiring me!
I found your blog about a month ago. I have really enjoyed the book recommendations for homeschooling:) I have found quite a few of them at our library and we have enjoyed them too.
Congratulations on your blogoversary Heidi! I have been reading your blog for about 7 months (maybe longer, I can't remember). I think I have commented before. I really enjoy your decorating posts, photos, and snippets of literature. The thing about your decorating I like is its simplicity and the way you incorporate nature *finds*.
I don't think I've commented here before, but I've been following your blog for several months. I love all your homeschooling info and tips. I was homeschooled and hope/plan to homeschool my kids (once we start having some, of course :)) in the future. On your recommendation I read Well Trained Mind and was totally facinated with that method. I love it! Thanks so much for sharing. Oh and I'm glad to see Anne of Green Gables on your book list. :)
Hi. I've been reading your blog for about 9 months now but have only recently left my first comment. I especially enjoy your posts on homeschool and recommended reading. I've used several of your suggestions and haven't been disappointed! I also enjoy your posts on decorating having once studied Architecture and Interior Design myself. I like your relaxed and natural attitude towards decorating. Thanks for all your time you put into these posts. They are enjoyable to read!
-Kim in Minnesota
Hi! I've been reading your blog for about the last six to nine months. I've really enjoyed the photography you've shared, particularly the pics of the boys (I've two of my own) and of your gorgeous home. If only I were that creative.
Hi, Heidi! I've been reading for almost a year now.....I'm not sure how I found your blog, but I'm hooked! We live in the country and have 2 boys.....so I love all of your pictures of the boys exploring outside in their boots. :) It's just like my house! I love your decorating style and photography--I wish I had your talent! Congrats on your 2 year blog mark! :) ~Kirsten
b.k. parr (at) netzero (dot) com
Hi Heidi!
I love hearing of the comings and goings in Albany and about your family... keeps me 'in touch' w/o being there any more.
Happy Blog-aversary!
I have been reading your blog for a good while. Can't remember how I found you. Thanks for sharing! I usually start my day at the Mac with a Mug O' Joe here at Mt Hope Chronicles.
Happy 2nd anniversary!
A Mac and a Mug O' Joe
I love your blog! I think I originally found your blog from the WTM board. I've been hooked ever since. I like the whole package...homeschooling boys, great decorating advice and photos, well, just everything!
In particular, I enjoyed a post you did last month answering homeschool questions. Some of your answers really blessed me.
Thank you for all that you share!
Hope this is not a double post--it seems one I tried earlier did not go through:)
Hi I'm Joanna. =). I started reading your blog last year when I was writing a senior paper on homeschooling. I've continued read but am more interested in photography(since that is part of my mass comm. major) and decorating/design projects. I've enjoyed what you post.
I started reading around Thanksgiving (I think, but maybe it was before then.) I love reading about you adventures in home schooling. I am just starting to raise a girl, and looking into all the various options I will need to choose from in the future.
Hi! I found you out of the blue (Google search, actually) about a month ago as I was looking for ideas to decorate my mantle after Christmas. (I've since created a few spots of beauty around the house.) I think it was meant to be because there is so much more on your blog that has inspired me in addition to great decorating ideas. We are thinking about homeschooling our children (2 and almost 4), and I'm looking forward to reading your posts on that. I used to teach enrichment classes to homeschooled children (History/Lit and Science) before #2 came along. We based much our curriculum on The Well-Trained Mind.
Thank you for the offer. I'm Amy, a librarian and researcher. I love to see what you and your kids are reading and get recommendations for myself and my little one.
I love your blog! I found you through my friend Jen at Planted by Streams last spring sometime. I have found so many WONDERFUL resources through you Heidi and I am so grateful!
We share a lot of interests (books, photography, our families and faith) and I am always delighted to drop by!
Well Heidi, I think I can claim the distinction of being your biggest fan although I never leave comments.
Yes, his face is so cute, and I even got a comment on his feet from my biggest fan who might fight me for the top spot as yours:)
Happy blog 2 years, Heidi! I've been around since the beginning or close to it. I don't get here everyday, but I love it because I can keep up on your fam and your latest projects and such. It also fills the place of PG (since I can't go out there and shoot the breeze anymore! boohoo)
Keep up the great work!
Happy Happy Happy 2 year!
Hi, I'm Jill.
I've been reading your blog since Sept or so, I think. I enjoy the mix of posts about books and schooling (I'm not homeschooling, but I was/will be an English teacher), and fun posts about your family and doings.
I'm a stay at home mom who quilts and runs a youth group and used to read and have intelligent conversations . . .
Nice to meet you.
Hi Heidi-
I've been reading for a long time. I've commented several times but lately have just been a lurker.
What brings me to your blog? First found you via the hive mind, realized you live in our "hometown" area. I love the peeks of Oregon you post. Some days, it brings tears of homesickness and other days joy and hey, I know that place.
I also relate as a mom of all boys. Your homeschooling posts have encouraged me.
Thanks for being so generous! and Happy Anniversary!
Heidi - Congrats on your blog-o-versary. I found you about a year ago when I first realized what a blog was. I had started checking out the well trained mind forums and really trying to research what I'd be doing for home school with my daughter (she's almost 6 now!) and my BIG sister told me about your blog. She said: "YOU gotta check out her beautiful home." So, I did...and although you have much more to say, I have to admit that your decorating things are some of my favorite posts. That's not true. I also love your pictures of living in the country because I live in the city and I"m jealous. And, I love posts about your boys because I have a 3 y/o boy as well. Anywho...congrats. And your blog is beautiful.
LOVE reading your blog as I am just starting homeschooling 2 of my 3 BOYS. I feel we have a lot in common. I've gleaned so much from you and all you've shared on here. And of course I'd LOVE a gift card to Amazon... to feed my addiction to buying books... particularly children's lit. ;) Thanks for sharing your wisdom and experiences. =)
Happy Anniversary! I know I found your blog when you took a tour to your sister's homeschooling room but how I found that I don't remember. I am drawn to your pictures, boys, and the welcome mat you have here at your blog.
You are inspiring me to slowly add pictures to my own blog and to be more consistent with posting...
I have two boys myself so moms of boys are very relatable and I live in Oregon as well.
Thanks for the invitation to introduce ourselves and such a lovely prize...
wow! you're scoring on the heart felt comments! I've been pouring over your blog for over a year now. You're the first place I go! how's that for flattery? It's the truth though! I'm glad you got to get away with your husband. I'm enjoying your pictures.
I am feeling lucky...to have found your blog. I enjoy your book recs. Happy Anniversary.
Though I do not homeschool, I use many of the same resources after school with my children. Your blog is a wonderful resource for continued ideas. Thank you!
Maryanne Helms
I found your blog a few months ago and I have enjoyed reading about your homeschooling. I am interested in a classical education for my son and love seeing the resources you use!
hi! I just started reading your blog. You're inspiring.
75 comments?! Wow, Heidi! Congratulations on two years of exceptional blogging. It is a good thing you give us a glimpse into your "real-ness" from time to time, 'cause otherwise ... ;)
I'm glad that way back when you commented on a blog post of mine (via the well drained mind, I think?). It's fun to travel through this blogging, home educating, raising boys adventure "with" you.
Hi Heidi, my name is Imelda and I found your blog recently upon searching "homeschooling". I bookmarked your site right away and labeled under my homeschooling and inspiration bookmarks. I applaud your homeschooling efforts and inspiring endeavours. Thanks for all the inspiring and informational posts.
your photos are awesome!...so vivid and inspiring!...I love the creative way you incorporate your lovely photos to your inspiring posts. thanks for sharing.
I've been visiting your blog for almost a year now and I always look forward to reading new posts! I appreciate your suggestions and ideas - I feel like I've been able to improve our own homeschool journey because of it - setting goals, writing down why we homeschool, discovering new books, etc. It's also very fun to have a blog friend with 3 boys at similar ages with our Luke's sharing a name AND a birthday :) !
I have been reading your blog for the past 6 months and found it to be really inspirationally. I even shared your blog on mine on a few posts. I have a 2 year old girl and a boy who is 16 months old with a birth defect. It's nice and refreshing to read your blog at the end of the day!!
Heidi~ Hi! I'm Tricia. I'm the one over there in the corner drinking in your photography and home projects. Yeah, hi! While I do enjoy your homeschooling posts (my children are attending public school, BUT I have a M.Ed. and will be teaching when they are all in school)I have to admit that I am mostly enthralled by your photography, followed closely by your home decorations. Yes, I know I said that before! You have such a talent, and your blog is so aesthetically pleasing. Thank you for your daily inspiration! I love it all! (...and... I'm anxiously awaiting your photography post!) Congratulations on two years! Looking forward to many more!
i enjoy all your posts, for the content and for inspiration! i love your homeschool posts and i love your pictures. you make me want to take out a camera!
Heidi, your blog has always been a visual delight, it is soothing yet inspirational. I think I've been following along since the beginning finding you on the WTM boards. I aspire to someday have myself a quarter together as you seem. You and your family live life so fully and cherish each other as well as each minute of the day. We should all be so mindful of our blessings.
I just found your blog. I love what I have read so far!
My children go to public school but I'm planning to continue to actively participate in their education.
I come to your blog for inspiration, for reading suggestions, and to look at your beautiful pictures (I love photography as well).
Thank you for the giveaway.
You already know, I think, that grandpa and I are some of your biggest fans from the very beginning and it is such fun to see what a "following" you have from all over and the help you have been to so many. But after I just read all the 78 comments that have come in (some I had read before) I know we are not alone in following your blog - daily for us. We love it!!! and have told others about it. As everyone comments, the home decorating ideas, books, pictures of my exceptionally gorgeous great grandsons and other beautiful scenes.
Oh, how I wish I had had The Well Trained Mind resource when I was home-schooling your mom and her brothers overseas. It would have been such a help.
I have been helped and inspired by your blog as others have. Now my family is putting more pressure on me to get a blog going. We'll see.
Also, I enjoyed the pictures of Las Vegas. I had no idea there were such beautiful things there. We sure didn't see that as we breezed through there some years ago.
Keep up the good work.
Lots of love, Grandma
I have been reading for about 8 months-I really love the homeschool helps as I am just starting this process. Another thing that has inspired me is your one spot of beauty-I have taken that into my home and have made my mantel a clutter free place to just make pretty. Thanks!
As a mom with two small boys, I love to hear of your boy adventures, but my favorite things on your blog are decorating ideas and BOOK LISTS! I am currently reading The Last Child in the Woods AND The Well Trained Mind.
And there are many others from your lists that have made their way into my library bag. So thanks!
Thank you, each and every one of you, for the comments you have left this past week. You have no idea what they mean to me! I appreciate those of you who introduced yourselves for the first time and the faithful readers who have been with me for some time now. I wish I could respond to each of your comments, but my family might protest...
The contest is now closed. I'll announce the winner tomorrow! Best of luck to you all. :)
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