
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ideal Worth

To what does God assign the highest moral or ideal worth?

Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." ~Mathew 22:37-40

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." ~John 3:16

Make that to whom.

It isn't how other people see me,

but how I make them feel about themselves.

I think I have some work to do
in this area of my life.
How does my husband feel when he is with me? Unappreciated? Like he can't do anything right? Or Lovely?

How do I make my children feel? Naughty? Annoying? Burdensome? Frustrating? Or Lovely?

How do other people feel when I am around? Judged? Inadequate? Invisible? Or Lovely?

Ways to make someone feel Lovely: Make eye contact. Show a genuine smile. Give a sincere compliment. Ask questions. Listen. Send a handwritten letter. Remember details about their lives. Say, 'I love you.' Make time. Say, 'thank you' and 'good job.' Encourage. Believe. Share joys. Offer a shoulder to cry on.

Be there. Completely.


  1. Aww, this brought tears to my eyes! How inspiring! I think this is a great way to walk in life, to be mindful, and graceful. Thanks for sharing the beauty!!!

  2. Oh, this is so LOVELY! Thank you so much for sharing this piece.

  3. This was wonderful! I'm going to really think about those things when I am with others. Thank you!

  4. "How do I make my children feel? Naughty? Annoying? Burdensome? Frustrating? Or Lovely?"

    Ouch. Thanks for the reminder. Wonderful post!

  5. "How does my husband feel when he is with me? Unappreciated? Like he can't do anything right? Or Lovely?"

    This same topic has caused a lot of heartache in our marriage. Thanks for the reminder to focus on the positive (there are so many!) and be less critical of him.

    I really needed to hear this today. Thank you!

  6. I have been pondering along a similar vein. I can be so idealistic and judgemental, and desperately want to learn to be lovely, point out the lovely, and make others feel lovely. Thanks so much for sharing this Heidi, YOU are lovely.

  7. Oh how I need the reminder! This was a lovely post:).

  8. Very good food for thought. And timely. I've been much pondering how I need to improve "the message" I'm sending my boys...

  9. Thank you for these reminders. Just this morning I was reading "...let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth..." -- a lesson I need to keep continually before me.

  10. What an inspiring and truly LOVELY post. I especially love this thought - "It isn't how other people see me, but how I make them feel about themselves." Thank you!

  11. This was good to read- really good! My husband is teaching through 1 John on Sunday mornings and the concept of loving others AS Christ loved/s me is so hard to wrap my brain around. The first and most important step to show true love is to first experience it- daily! I appreciate you beginning this post in this way. This is a blessing and an encouragement. thanks.

  12. oops- that comment was from me- BETH!

  13. Wow! That is something to really consider. Thanks for the reminder & encouragement. We all need a pat on the back or a hug (even virtual) to lift us up & help us along.

    You've been a great help & encourager to me & give me great hope. You leave me wishing that I knew you personally, and without an entire country between us.

  14. Wow. Thank you. I really needed to read this!

    Blessings :~)

  15. This is beautiful. Thank you so much for writing it!

  16. I just found you by way of Simple Mom. So glad I followed the link! Your blog is beautiful! I'll be back for sure!
