Picture ahead not for the very squeamish. Sorry.
Do you think he was anxious to open the door while the water was rushing into the sink, full blast? Nope. I tried everything. Finally he decided to give the key a try. It got stuck. My Dad drove over to save the day. He tried everything. I had the phone in my hand and my finger on the yellow pages. Locksmith. Magic. Dad got the door open just before I dialed the number. Leif's name was mud.
Fast forward to this morning, just another lovely Monday morning. Leif smacks into the kitchen table at the only sharp point on its surface. I called Mom and Dad. They rushed over. Mom watched the big boys. Dad escorted Leif and me to Urgent Care. 3 stitches.

Leif and Luke make quite a pair today. Luke smacked into the truck door when we stopped to play on the beach. I was opening it as he decided to run by. I am so thankful the gash wasn't big enough for stitches, but he does have a nice goose-egg on his forehead.
Do you think this will be our last emergency trip to the doctor? Yeah, I know the answer to that one. Sigh. Again.
Injury Tally:
Levi ~ 2 fractures (collar bone and foot)
Luke ~ staples in the head
Leif ~ stitches on face
Russ and I are supposed to be flying out of state this coming Monday for our first real vacation alone in 6 years. I'm sure everything will go smoothly. Right? Right??!!
Wow, my daughter had them in exactly the same spot!
Check it out:
Hope he feels better soon.
Heidi, I'm grinning so big right now, 'cause I can sooo relate! My Landon is 2 and is always locking himself in bathrooms for similar mischief also. We completely took the door knob off the upstairs bathroom and haven't replaced it in a few months :) tacky? if you want privacy you have to shove a washcloth in the hole. Company doesn't go in there :)
If it happens again, just keep a small screwdriver handy. You can unscrew and take off the door knob in just a few moments - I've done it on every room in the house thanks to Landon!
You deserve a vacation! Have a great time with hubby. Your family is very capable of handling your kids. Just be sure to leave them with the health insurance cards and a note giving your parents permission to seek medical care :)
~from "Salem" Tera (I think each of our boys are twins who were separated at birth)
Heidi, bless your heart (and Leif's, too)!
We had our first stitches here just after Cade turned 2. Ah, boys!
Ahhhhh..... I have been feeling undone by #3 lately, and as sorry as I am to hear about your son's escapades, it is good to know that my life is "normal." (as normal as it gets with three boys in a row!)
I hope your vacation with Russ is amazing. After two bad Mondays in a row it's time for a fabulous one next week, don't you think? ;)
Okay, I don't have three boys, but does it count if the oldest accidentally shut his younger brother's HAND in the bathroom door? Oh yeah, he locked it and didn't realize that was what his brother was crying about. So far, we haven't had any trips to ER...thank God! Glad your little guy is healing well :)
Oh, poor little guy and poor mom! I do hope your time away is amazing! Are you sharing where you are off to?
Yee-ikes! What a day! May things from today until you leave (and all while you're GONE!) be calm...
OUCH! We had a nearly same experience except it was in the middle of younger bros. 1st birthday party. And the stiches were in the same place. I hope you are able to have a Monday without issue next week!
oh oh oh what a day! Well if it is any comfort we've all been there (in different forms of course). I have stitches in the same spot, exactly, as Leif's. It has made for a story my whole life so maybe that will be his dividend from the day. You deserve that vacation with Hubby - have a great time!
Oh Heidi, I know exactly what you mean.... it must be a two year old thing, lol! Twice now my nephew has locked our bathroom door-- once while he was inside (we had to take the doorknob off to get him out) and once from the outside (not much easier to fix!). It's always an adventure, that's for sure :)
Alison~ I can't believe it! They could be twins, LOL! I'm so sorry you had to wait for so long at the ER in the middle of the night!! That makes things so much more traumatic. I was thrilled that UC got him back right away (before all the other people in the waiting room).
Tera~ I don't know if we would be able to get the knob off this door, and the way the lock works, I don't know if that would help, anyway... I now keep the door locked from the outside as often as possible and hide the key either way. It is our only bathroom, though, so I try to keep the key in the lock when people come over so they have a way of locking the door....
Thanks for sharing all the stories, everyone. You all brightened my day. :)
Oh, heather, we're going to Vegas. Neither of us has been there and I'm really looking forward to seeing the Venitian and Paris. :)
Oh no!! Poor baby. Hope today was a better day!
I wouldn't trade my 3 wild, rambunctious , accident prone boys and trips to the ER/Dr. for anything! And it's obvious you wouldn't either!!! Even though it's hard to see them hurt, mothers of sons certainly learn how to be tough with and for our boys, don't we?!
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