
Sunday, May 10, 2009


Leif Laugh

A laugh is a smile that bursts.
~Mary H. Waldrip


Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
~Victor Hugo

It's time to laugh at i heart faces.

I'm entering both the kids and adults category this week.


My Two Seasons said...

Beautiful! I love your lighting, very pretty!

tiarastantrums said...

I really like the adult entry

Donna said...

These are both so pretty! I love the backdrop for the photos. They're uncluttered (inlike most of my photos) and you can really concentrate on the faces!

Our Blog: Double Happiness!

the monkeys' mama said...

I love love love the lighting on the adult entry! Excellent!

Karyn said...

Both entries are wonderful, great lighting, focus, subjects, color. Your adult image is my favorite so far, I think it's really hard to get an adult to laugh and look great, she is just lovely, and the backdrop, the texture, is beautiful. Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Those are great and the second one has so many great things going on with it.

Nice work like always.

B Dad

The Animator's Wife said...

Beautiful fence in the back of your second shot. Adds so much texture and visual interest. And she just looks like she is laughing even HARDER on the inside too!

Unknown said...

Laughter is a smile that burst! What a great line! Love it! And totally love your pictures! So perfectly joyful!

Skeller said...

Both pictures are wonderful, but I absolutely adore the pic of your sister!!

Capturing Sunshine said...

Your sister's pic is fabulous! I really love the composition, and her expression is perfect! Beautiful capture!

Amy said...

I love the pictures. The lighting and framing is fantastic. Nice job!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Pictures!

Ter said...

great photos, and I love the quotes, especially the first one.

Corey~living and loving said...

beautiful photography. The adult one is just perfect. great moment captured.

have a great week.

Pam D said...

Both are great, but the adult entry totally rocks! Wonderful pictures....

Josie said...

both great photo's but I really like the adult entry-softness and the textures lots of great stuff going on and best of all its hard to really catch a good pic of an adult in real laughter. Nice!!

heidi said...

You have a gift, Heidi. I'm in awe of it.

Mireille said...

Beautiful entries, so cute and gorgeous!

In Earnest said...

How gorgeous! I especially love the soft light adult entry.

Tess said...

I love your Adults entry especially! It's so candid and natural! It's hard to capture adults being so natural with laughter. :)

Unknown said...

They both really are beautiful... I love the adult entry... very nice.

Rebecca said...

Great shots! Love em both a lot!

Kath said...

I really like your photos! The background in the adult entry, plus her "close eyes laughter" is really nice!

Katarina said...

I really like both your entries. The adult one is stunning. nice work.

Rebekah said...

Both are beautiful shots!!

Annette said...

Your photos are always beautiful. Love the lighting and composition of your adult shot.

dmauton said...

Both photos are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Oh I really like them BOTH!! I love that the adult photo is NATURAL! But the kids entry is just PRECIOUS!

Krista Heiser said...

Looking at these photos makes me smile. What a great way to start a Monday morning! Thanks for sharing.

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

I love the soft color in the second one and the processing is beautifully done too!

Excellent entries as always!

Mandi said...

They are both great, but I love the adult entry!

Taylor said...

Great pics, the adult entry is my favorite! Love the quotes.

Foursons said...

The boy is so handsome, and I love closed-eye laughing photos. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Great photos the adult entry is GREAT!!

Jessy, Greg, Grace, Jack, Nora, and Lexi said...

The munchkin is adorable. And I love the adult entry...she really captures the laughter natural!

Randi said...

Great laughing photos! I especially like the adult photo :)

Teresa said...

Wow, just wonderful! Beautiful entries!

Unknown said...

Those are great!

Heather said...

Oh, Heidi-- these are absolutely lovely! The shot of your sister, especially... it's fantastic!

.:: WMP ::. said...

So pretty! Love them both!

DawnS said...

Great entries - I especially love the adult entry!

Unknown said...

The adult entry is amazing! I love the color editing and I love her expression! Wow Great Job!

Melissa Butler said...

You captured their laughter beautifully! Love the lighting, composition, and tones.

Karli said...

I love that these both look so genuine!

JG said...

Both are great shots. The child's entry has such a sweet expression.

Melinda said...

Beautiful photos! I love the lighting in the kids photo and the post processing in the adult photo is gorgeous!

jen said...

both put a smile on my face ... beautiful.

Shannon said...

What awesome photos! I enter too but I am such an amateur. I'd love some photos like this of my boys.

Ashley Schrage said...

your boys are soo handsome! i love both of your entries too!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and the wonderful comment :)

Mrs. McFadden said...

very crisp and simple photos, my favorite type! great entries!