The Lovely List
What says 'lovely' to you?
Did you make a list? Write it out? Print it up?
Create art out of it?
Create art out of it?
Did you put it up in a place where it can regularly inspire and
remind you of the lovely things in your life?
remind you of the lovely things in your life?
What is on your list?
Do share!
(Be sure to scroll down for next week's challenge.)
I've made a few lovely (or happy) lists over the years.
My first was an on-going list in a journal.
My second was in paint and covered a whole wall in my bedroom.
My third was written on an artist's canvas and hung on my living room wall.
My fourth is now a collage of images that represent lovely to me
(with a few corresponding words)
printed in poster size and mounted on a large corkboard.
It's resting on my mantel. I'll post photos later today or tomorrow.
My first was an on-going list in a journal.
My second was in paint and covered a whole wall in my bedroom.
My third was written on an artist's canvas and hung on my living room wall.
My fourth is now a collage of images that represent lovely to me
(with a few corresponding words)
printed in poster size and mounted on a large corkboard.
It's resting on my mantel. I'll post photos later today or tomorrow.
Did you know that Costco will now print 20" x 30" posters?
For only $8.99?
I upload my image file at costco.com and pick up my poster just a couple hours later.
(Do you have any idea how nice (and expensive)
it is to have a Costco only 2 miles from my house?)
I made my collage and added text at picnik.com.
The creative possibilities are endless.
And at 8.99 and easily changed out on my bulletin board,
I'm going to be experimenting with photo posters often.
I made my collage and added text at picnik.com.
The creative possibilities are endless.
And at 8.99 and easily changed out on my bulletin board,
I'm going to be experimenting with photo posters often.
The picnik collage wasn't a high resolution, so the large poster size turned out a bit pixelized,
but I wasn't aiming for perfect. I was aiming for
'just do it (without spending a fortune) and enjoy it.'
'just do it (without spending a fortune) and enjoy it.'
My single photo images are a higher resolution (even when I edit and add text at picnik)
so those posters turn out much clearer.
so those posters turn out much clearer.
This next week's living. lovely. challenge:
Random Smiling in Public
Whenever I'm out and about, I find myself in my own little world.
I'm thinking about the grocery list.
I'm wondering what on earth I'm going to make for dinner.
I'm trying to keep 3 little boys from running through a parking lot.
I'm running on auto-pilot.
I'm thinking about the grocery list.
I'm wondering what on earth I'm going to make for dinner.
I'm trying to keep 3 little boys from running through a parking lot.
I'm running on auto-pilot.
But sometimes, when I force myself to open my eyes and look around,
I see living, breathing, unique people. People who have lives of their own.
I see living, breathing, unique people. People who have lives of their own.
Their own thoughts, struggles, disappointments, worries,
fears, hopes, plans, desires...
fears, hopes, plans, desires...
I want to look them in the eye and give them a genuine smile.
A smile that says:
I acknowledge you.
You are a real person who has value.
All I have to give you is a kind smile,
but I am happy to give it.
So when you are out and about this next week,
A smile that says:
I acknowledge you.
You are a real person who has value.
All I have to give you is a kind smile,
but I am happy to give it.
So when you are out and about this next week,
I challenge you to brighten a stranger's day with a smile.
Not a cursory half-hearted smile, but a true light-filled smile.
You might find that it brightens your day more than you expected,
and you will do it over and over again. It's addicting and contageous.
Give it a try. Even if you think it's silly. Really. Trust me on this one.
Not a cursory half-hearted smile, but a true light-filled smile.
You might find that it brightens your day more than you expected,
and you will do it over and over again. It's addicting and contageous.
Give it a try. Even if you think it's silly. Really. Trust me on this one.
Need some encouragement or inspiration?
Read here.
Read here.
I am THRILLED to hear that about Cosco! I have wanted poster-size prints of some of my photos. And I just love your canvas of happiness project! Somehow I missed that the first time around.
My post: http://mollythepirate.blogspot.com/2009/09/lovely-list.html
You are right, a smile can make a difference!
I remember when I was at school I bumped into a girl accidentally and I apologized and smiled at her. She smiled back and from that day whenever we met, we smiled at each other..:o)
Well, I got 1/2 of my project done--I painted the canvas. Now it's just waiting my Lovely List. I'm thinking about making a list of things and places, people, etc. important/special to DH and me. I'll hang it in our bedroom.
I'll post here when I finally finish it!
your poster - oh my!!! it's beautiful. and thoughtful. and inspired. I bet it puts a smile on your face each time you stop to look at it!! I know I would :-).
ps. might be worth a try ... after you get the new jpg from picnic, you could try opening it in PS and upsampling/upsizing it for printing. I'd tell you specifics, but I don't know them (grin).
Your poster is *absolutely lovely*. Gorgeous. And inspirational! Thank your sharing this wonderful idea with the rest of us (I just might have to give it a try!)~ I can only imagine the smile it brings to your face every time you sneak a peak its way :)
Blessings to you this Thursday,
Loved your poster on the mantel when I stopped by yesterday!!
And yes the *littlest fireman* reading to Ben was adorable, ADORABLE! Would you believe I had that on the list already. I didn't do anything very creative except put the list on my blog. Maybe I'll
still think of something.
Heidi, could you do a little demo/tutorial on how you make these collages on picnic? I'd love to make some when I have a bunch of photos to upload. Also, I struggle with the best way to upload even to my blog. It takes forever. I'd love a streamline way to do it. It can take up to three minutes to upload one photo onto blogger. I'm thinking my internet speed is the problem, but I have high speed internet (clearwire)
here is my lovely list. I'm excited about the smiling challenge this week!
That poster is fantastic! I am going to order one this instant : ) I am glad my sister has a card since I don't : )
That genuine smile tip at the end of this post is so good. Sometimes we get so busy and we don't smile at others. We need to. People desperately need that connection in this crazy busy world.
This is going to sound a little crazy, but I think smiling is part of my personal ministry. It was impressed upon me during high school that I could make a small difference in someone's day simply by smiling. Apparently that's true. I can't tell you how many times people (particularly my students) have mentioned that it was so nice to see a friendly face on a otherwise mediocre day.
Thanks for the info on the affordable pictures.
I finished my lovely list, finally--->http://hopeistheword.wordpress.com/2009/09/17/lovely/
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