
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mt. Hope Academy 2011 ~ Week 14

McKinnon and Levi

Classical Conversations: Week 24 (Final Week of the Year!!)
Bible memory, U.S. Presidents, presentations (public speaking), science experiments, music, geography, history/science/Latin/grammar/math memory work, and social/gym time.

CC Memory Review

Bible Memory:
Sing the Word From A to Z  (Verses V-Z)
Independent Bible reading:
Levi: Day by Day Kid's Bible
Luke: The Children's Illustrated Bible (DK)
Leif:  The Early Reader's Bible


Teaching Textbooks daily

The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia: Electricity
The Magic School Bus Chapter Book: Electric Storm (Luke)
Bill Nye: Forests (DVD)

Fine Arts:
Piano practice and lesson (Luke)
Two Scarlet Songbirds: A Story of Anton Dvorak by Carole Lexa Schaefer
Getting to Know the World’s Greatest Artists: Georges Seurat
Seurat and La Grande Jatte
by Robert Burleigh
Sunday With Seurat by Merberg and Bober
A Child’s Introduction to Poetry: Edgar Allan Poe
Poetry for Young People: Edgar Allan Poe

Language Arts:
IEW Writing Primary Arts of Language Writing: Story Sequence
IEW TWSS/Student Writing Intensive A: Key Word Outline
IEW Poetry Memorization (poem #8)
Interjections! (Schoolhouse Rock on YouTube)
Building Language (stem lesson 8)
Sentence Island (sentences 28-31)
Practice Island (pg 147-178)
All About Spelling Level 2 (step 1, 2)

Song School Latin (ch 25-27)
Latin Review Game at Headventure Land

Countries Around the World: South Africa (DVD)
Around the World Coloring Book: South Africa
Geography Songs: Southern Africa (CD)
DK Children’s Illustrated Reference Atlas (Africa)
Misoso: Once Upon a Time Tales from Africa by Verna Aardema
Ashanti to Zulu: African Traditions by Margaret Musgrove

The Usborne Encyclopedia of World History: Rights for All
The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia : South Africa

(Finished unabridged audio recording of Pilgrim’s Progress)
Sir Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe
adapted by Marianna Mayer (+ animated DVD version)

Levi’s Assigned Reading:
Old French Fairy Tales by Comtesse De Segur
The Boy Knight of Reims by Eloise Lownsbery

Levi’s Free Reading:
The 30 Clues: Vespers Rising by Riordan, Lerangis, Korman, and Watson

Luke’s Free Reading:
Dragon Slayers’ Academy: The New Kid at School by Kate McMullan

Family Time:
Playing our new favorite game: SET!
Read Aloud: Man of the Family by Ralph Moody (ch 13-15)
Movie Night: Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Family Night at the swimming pool (with Bambi and Poppy, too!)


"The main part of intellectual education is not the acquisition of facts

but learning how to make facts live."

~Oliver Wendell Holmes


P.S. Thank you, thank you Sheryll and Elaine for suggesting Windows Live Writer. I think it is going to work perfectly!!! Wahoo!


  1. Ok, Heidi...another IEW question for you. Do you think you need both the book AND the CD of him reading the poems, or could you get by with just the book?

    And are you going to have your children begin to go to CC in the afternoon for Essentials, or are you just sticking with Foundations?

    Thanks so much!
    Julie in St. Louis

  2. Heidi,
    In case the first question wasn't clear, I'm referring to the poetry memorization part of IEW.

  3. Great photo! I remember doing this for science in private school. It was awesome to find out that my egg was one of the very few that made it intact to the ground :)
    Our challenge was to create a protective covering for the egg only using paper. No glue, tape, paperclips, staples or anything! Kids came up with some crazy contraptions! ;) What fun!

  4. Have you discovered the video series, Families of the World? If not, your library may have it. My kids love these glimpses into other kids' lives, and they fit so nicely into our geography studies.

  5. Julie~ You could do it without the CD. I just find the CD VERY convenient. For repeating a poem over and over again when we're learning it, for playing to review the poems we've learned, and also to just play and enjoy listening to all the poetry. Some people don't care for Andrew Pudewa's voice, but I've listened to him (and talked to him) in person. He is so personable and humerous, that I don't mind his voice at all.

    Hannah~ Those sound wonderful. I'll have to check to see if my library has them. Thanks for the recommendation!

  6. Julie~ Oh, and we are holding off on Essentials again. I'd rather do grammar and writing at home for another year or two. I really enjoy grammar and we are working on IEW writing. I'd like Levi to have at least one year of Essentials before going into Challenge, however. It should be an easy transition if we do IEW (and lots of grammar) at home first. I'm waiting on Essentials for a few reasons. One, I'd rather go at our own speed and not have outside assignments that I HAVE to help him with. Two, it makes for a really long day when there are three other little people who aren't in class, one of whom needs an afternoon nap at home.

  7. Heidi,
    You are wonderful to answer my questions! Thank you ever so much. So enjoy gleaning from you on this homeschool journey!

  8. I love reading your book suggestions and school plans!

    I don't know if I ever commented before. You are a couple years ahead of me (my oldest just turned seven). I've been reading your blog for years and have gained so many good books ideas!
