Even when she burns up our microwave (oh, the smoke!) or stabs her brother with scissors… Life is never, ever dull with her around.
VBS season has started and it’s a sad year. Levi is too old, and Lola is too young.
I’m starting to think about signing all 4 kids up for AWANAS next year. It’s about the only thing they can ALL do, and it would give Russ and me a date night every week. I cannot even remember the last time we went on a date, just the two of us (other than when we went to see God’s Not Dead with another couple a while back). Sigh. Is that a bad reason to do AWANAS? [wry grin]
Not a bad reason at all!
That is a great reason and in the past we've done exactly that, but we've also taken it year by year. We've not yet made a decision for the upcoming year. We have found that combined with other extracurricular activities, sports, and school work it can be hard to manage the increased activity and stress (at times). More than anything, we need the family time together. In addition, while we LOVE the Awana program and people, and I even taught this year, the extensive scripture memory has always been a balancing act for us. I have one who can memorize quickly and easily and it's tempting to only swallow the verses fast and say them just in time for class and not really meditate on them during the week. For the other child, it has at times created "pressure to perform" with scripture, but he has loved the fellowship and games with other kids. The program is truly wonderful. Like anything, I think it depends on your kids and if it's right for that season of your lives. Blessings!
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