
Friday, April 10, 2015

Home Stretch

Home Stretch @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

April. It’s our “home stretch” month.

This month we finish Classical Conversations, choir, and AWANA for the year with the attending end-of-year concert and celebrations. We also have our last requirements to fulfill for our charter school, though that school year technically does not end until early June.

I’d like to say we’re finishing strong, but, to be honest, we’re coming closer to finishing blah.

Luke and Leif are already finished with Foundations and Essentials as of this week. No Memory Master in the house this year. I had already tested for all 3 cycles in the past, and Luke just wasn’t into it this year (after doing MM the past two years).

Levi has two classes left for Challenge A. He’s fading fast. Really fading.

Levi did attend a morning of dissections for the local Challenge A classes. A mom in our community is a veterinarian and loves to do science projects with the kids. They dissected cows’ eyeballs (one per teams of two students) and sharks (one per table), and looked at a sheep’s brain and a cow’s heart. It was a great addition to their body systems drawings and memorization.

It feels as if we’ve been at the dentist every other day for the past few months, but in reality we’ve only been there about once a week. Three of us had appointments this week.

Luke and Leif started their rounds of end-of-the-year testing with the charter school. We’ve really appreciated the option and opportunity to be a part of this charter school for the past four years and we love all the teachers and families, but I’m ready to be done for good. I’m so glad I’m able to make that choice for our family.

The boys (and Russ) had a couple spring break weeks off from swim team practice. It was glorious. I could have used another week or 10 or more.

I have a gazillion blog posts started and cannot seem to muster the enthusiasm (along with the time and focus) to finish and share them. I made some progress on several and then the program failed to save what I had written. It is even more difficult to write a blog post the second time…

[I was listening to Lola watching Frozen as I was typing this blog post, and I realized just how sad and depressing that movie is (until the very, very last moment). Or maybe that demonstrates my (lack of) emotional stability at the moment. Ha!]

This month will end with a BANG (three events and a baby!!) with my husband working crazy hours. I’m so looking forward to a weekend with my sister and friends at the CiRCE Pacific Northwest Regional Conference May 8th and 9th.

And then… SUMMER. Hallelujah. Do I sound like a woman in need of a blank schedule and some sunshine? I think yes.

We just need to get outside and soak up some sunshine. Go for hikes. Play games. Read. Do a few house projects.

How about you?

Challenge A Dissections @ Mt. Hope Chronicles


Mystie said...

We are fading here, too - so ready to be done! We're headed to the Oregon coast the weekend of the CiRCE NW conference, or I'd be there! I'm sad to miss the opportunity to meet Kern, you, and the others I know will be there.

But. Finishing up by then and heading out of town to sit at the beach will be heavenly.

Kellie said...

We just finished Challenge A today, so I feel like we're in that home stretch too, which is why I'm up late catching up on all the blog posts I've missed lately. :) It will still be busy for another month, but at least a different busy!

jeana said...

We've pretty much done nothing this year. I was sick with a PICC line until mid Sept, did school until the holidays started, did school in Jan and had the baby Feb 2. We finally got really going again this month. I'm going to take July off, then get back to it. I know that's the nice thing about homeschool, but I sure dont like being so behind!

Heidi said...

Mystie~ I'm going to miss seeing you at the conference! Have a fantastic vacation, though!

Kellie~ Yes, it is never NOT busy, but it's nice to be a different kind of busy. :)

Jeana~ Oh my! It sounds like you've had quite the year! I can't imagine. Yes, it's nice that homeschool can be flexible to adjust to life, but we put so much pressure on ourselves!