
Sunday, October 25, 2015

31 Days of Book Detectives ~ Day 25: The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree

Book Detectives ~ The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

[Click here to read other posts in the series.]

I cannot complete a series of picture books without including a book illustrated by Barbara Cooney. Not only is Barbara Cooney my favorite children’s book author-illustrator, but The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree: An Appalachian Story is my favorite Christmas book. (And clearly I have a thing for books about Christmas trees!)

If Ruthie is the protagonist in this story, I think the conflict would be man vs. fate because she is praying and hoping her wishes come true (and Papa coming home is her biggest wish). Mama certainly is the one driving the action forward, though. Other than Papa’s homecoming, she works hard to meet everyone’s expectations. So is it man vs. self and Mama is the protagonist? I chose the moment they found the balsam tree on the ridge as the climax because the book is titled “The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree.”

Crime Scene [Setting]


Valley of Pine Grove, Appalachian Mountains—snowy

Ruthie’s home

Pine Grove Church

High on a rocky craig up near heaven


From spring time to Christmas time

End of the Great War (WWI—1918)

Suspects [Characters]


Ruthie—young girl, poor

Mama—frugal, kind and loving, honors commitments

31 Days of Book Detectives ~ The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

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