
Friday, June 2, 2017

Summer School ~ Hobbit Trail to Hobbit Beach

Hobbit Trail, Oregon Coast @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

This week’s hiking destination: The Oregon Coast!

We had a much smaller group this past Tuesday (just Holly, Char, and me with our seven kids), a longer drive (2.5 hours each way), less hiking distance (maybe 3 miles all put together), three locations (Hobbit Trail and Beach, Heceta Head, and Cape Perpetua), more play (hello, beach!), and a gazillion photos (that still don’t do justice to the scenery).

I’ll break up my photos into two posts, beginning with Hobbit Trail to Hobbit Beach, located between Yachats and Florence on the Oregon Coast.


It was misty/raining and around 50 degrees when we arrived, but that added to the haunting atmosphere of the secluded trail. The trail was lined with huge, pink rhododendrons, often in a canopy over the trail.

Rhododendron @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

The trail is only a mild half mile long, and it ends at Hobbit Beach.

Hobbit Trail @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

This was our foggy view at the end of the trail.

Oregon Coast Fog @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

I love the sandstone cliffs on the Oregon Coast.

Sandstone @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

Foggy Oregon Coast @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

The weather was surprisingly mild—no wind at all—and we explored the beach. I loved this little area. Water was rushing over the rocks on the left, making a beautiful waterfall sound.

Hobbit Beach @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

Why, yes, we did have the beach to ourselves. That’s Heceta Head in the background—more about that in the next post.

Lola's Reflection @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

The tide was low and we explored the rocky tide pools. [Apparently, gooseneck barnacles are a delicacy.]

Barnacle Bouquet @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

Oregon Shore @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

We saw sea anemones and sea stars.

Sea Star @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

And more barnacles.

Barnacles @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

As I breathed in the air and the view and the experience, all I could breathe out was a prayer of gratitude.

Thank you, God, for allowing me to be alive on this day, in this place, with these friends.

Friends on the Coast @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

Are you tired of barnacles, yet? I couldn’t choose a favorite picture.

Gooseneck Barnacles @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

The fog began to lift.

Oregon Coast @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

We combed the beach for shells.

Leif @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

And found sand dollars.

Sand Dollar @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

The kids found Hobbit tunnels up to climbing trees. Can you see them in the limbs?

Tree Climbing on Hobbit Beach @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

It was Luke’s 13th birthday. I have two teenagers in the house. Yikes!

Luke 13 @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

Heceta Head from Hobbit Beach @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

So green and lush.

Oregon Coast Green @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

Moss and rocks are my favorites.

Rocks and Moss @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

Holly wore Ivy’s twig crown because Ivy was wearing her silver hooded cloak. Crowns and cloaks are perfect attire for Hobbit trails.

Holly @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

Hobbit shelters. I’m sure of it.

Hobbit Shelters @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

Speaking of teens, this teen has recently obtained a driver’s permit, a job, and a checking account. Times are a-changin’.

Levi @ Mt. Hope Chronicles

We returned by the same half mile trail. We chose to skip the additional trail to Heceta Head Lighthouse from this trailhead, and opted to drive a little farther and take the shorter hike. More pictures in the next post.

Hobbit Trail Return @ Mt. Hope ChroniclesLeaves @ Mt. Hope Chronicles


Brandy @ The Prudent Homemaker said...

Okay, I googled it. It's technically 15 hours and 20 minutes from my house.

Ariana Rose said...

Those pictures are amazing! It looks like a dream world there. I see why you took so many photos of barnacles. They are so interesting!!

Do you print and hang many photos around your house?

Erin said...

Stunning as always!!

Unknown said...
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Heidi said...

Brandy~ I wish you could come!

Ariana~ It really is lovely. I'm terrible about having photos up around my house!