
Showing posts with label Projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Projects. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Next Project...

All throughout my childhood, I spent hours each day dreaming, planning, and scheming. I wanted to put on plays and concerts. I wanted to host my own Olympics. I wanted to organize a summer camp. My mother would just smile and say, 'That's nice, dear.' She allowed me to plan away.

Not much has changed. I still plan, dream, and scheme. Now that I'm an adult, however, I have the choice to actually follow through. I don't always do so, but the choice is there.

Is there a dream from your childhood you've made come true in your adulthood? Or hope to in the future? I have two friends who spent their childhoods dreaming of horses. Both friends have taken riding lessons as an adult.

When we first looked at our current house to consider purchasing it, I took one look at an awkward, purposeless porch on the side and knew it was meant to be a stage. An amphitheater. I immediately imagined an orchestra pit, a ticket booth, an audience in the grass, the works.

If you look at the picture above, the narrow pathway sneaks to the left of the front porch, leading to the future theater. Right now it is a useless and unfinished porch, though it was originally the location of the front door before the previous owners remodeled. It is currently used as a convenient dumping ground. The house needs to be painted...lots of things on the to-do list.

Every amphitheater needs a center aisle leading to the stage, yes? How about a gentle slope of green grass leading up to a fire pit? Check.
This next photo is the view from the stage. The lower lawn to the left is the swinging area under the willow tree.
Oh, look, a sweet boy is bringing the diva a bouquet of flowers. Lovely. Roots and all. Don't you think that old shed should be painted and turned into a dressing room?
This is the orchestra pit. Come on. Use your imaginations!
See the old trellis. It screams 'ticket booth' to me. Isn't that just what you were thinking?
There you have it: my July project. Yes, I'm perfectly aware that it isn't yet July. Seeing that I've been behind on all my other projects, I thought I would get a head start on this one. Do dreaming, planning, and scheming count as a head start?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hello, Sunshine

Complaining about our unseasonable weather paid off. The sun came out to play today. When we got home from church, the boys raced inside to throw on their swimming trunks.

Guess who is riding his bike without training wheels! One broke off on his 4th birthday. I promised him that Daddy would fix it. Two days later at his birthday party, Daddy fixed it by taking the training wheels off completely. He got on and rode away. That was about it. What an exciting birthday gift.
Without being on the to-do list today, we spontaneously planted our garden (better late than never). Levi helped with the labeling.

Not only did we plant up carrots, tomatoes, and a variety of other things, Russ suddenly decided to make me a fence so the deer wouldn't help themselves to our veggies. (I'm sure they'll get the idea and jump the fence...)

We put landscape lining down between the boxes so that we wouldn't have to worry about mowing or weeds. Maybe we'll cover it with something one of these days. Maybe not.

I wasn't sure how I was going to get in and out of the garden, but Russ produced a perfect metal gate that was left behind by the previous owners. I thought it needed a little something so I quickly spray painted an old rusty star with a little lime green.
Now, you avid gardeners and perfectionists, please go easy on me. Someday we'll have a huge, amazing garden. We have to start somewhere...
After a while the bikes were abandoned and the boys found other things to do.
Cardboard boxes are always nice, but nothing beats a cardboard box in tall grass. You'd think my poor boys had no toys.
We then had the weekly garbage can pilgrimage.
After eating a lovely dinner on our front porch and playing in the cool evening grass with the boys, I felt great about all we had accomplished today. Until I went inside.
Looks like I'll be up for a while.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


What fulfills you? What gives meaning to your day when it comes time to put your head on the pillow at night? I'm not necessarily talking about our purpose spiritually (to glorify God and be in a right relationship with Him) or the other end of the spectrum (merely completing our duties for the day, or doing something pleasurable), though it certainly might touch on one of those.

I believe that God gives each of us something, part of our individual personality or talents that, in addition to His presence, helps us feel fulfilled. For some, that might fall close to spiritual purpose, such as touching lives within their 'job' as missionary. For others, living a relaxed and carefree life or even finishing tasks on a list may be the thing that fills them up.

What creates that fullness in your life? Is it solving a problem? Is it earning a salary? Is it learning something new? Is it connecting with someone emotionally? Is it bringing order to chaos? Is it providing for your family? Is it serving others? Is it sharing your talents (singing, acting...) publicly? Is it teaching? Is it discovering a truth? Is it ministering to another's need? Is it working against social ills? Is it trying something new or taking a risk?

Surely, by now, some of you are wondering what this all has to do with the above picture. Sometimes I wish my 'thing' was as noble as drilling wells for people with no clean water. Or delving into the Bible to find truths that have eluded others. Even taking risks, which I avoid like the plague. But I know without a doubt that it takes all kinds of people to make the world go around. I have no wish to discount either my talents and desires or the talents and desires of the people around me.

When I thought about it today, I was again sure that two of my main 'things' are family and creating something visually pleasing. Which is why I love to decorate my home. And entertain for family events. And scrapbook (which, by the way, hits just about everything on my list of enjoyments). Or how about taking visually appealing photographs of family members?

Yep, at the end of the day, if I have spent meaningful time with my family or created something beautiful, I breathe deeply and am happy with my life. If I have created something beautiful that connects me in some way to my family, even better. On the flip side of the coin, I go to bed troubled when my house is dirty and chaotic, I did something to make me feel like a failure at this 'mothering gig,' I am worried about someone in my family, or I did nothing to nurture a relationship with those closest to me.

I have long wanted to try my hand at creating silhouette cut-outs of my boys. It is one of those things I have 'meant to get around to' for quite some time. Today was the day. I keep looking at them and smiling. When I put my head on my pillow tonight, I will breathe deeply and be happy with my life.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Home Depot

Did you know that every month on the first Saturday, Home Depot holds a Kids' Workshop? Levi, Luke, and Russ attended their first session this past Saturday. The boys had a blast creating Castle Treasure Boxes. Russ was thrilled because the kits were free. Not only that, but the aprons were free as well! Now all three boys have personalized Home Depot Kids' Workshop aprons. They feel pretty special!

Thanks, Char, for letting me know about the workshop!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Words and Candles

My New Rock Garden:Handmade Stepping Stones:
Candle Gift:
Candle Centerpiece:
I found the candle idea in a decorating magazine somewhere. The article suggested buying inexpensive religious candles (found in the ethnic section at the local grocery store) and covering with paper, ribbon or twine, and a sprig of greenery. I think I might do a large collection of these candles covered in whites, neutrals, and greens for the top of my piano in January.

Also, cranberries are a favorite decorating element of mine in the month of December. Filling any glass container (vase, bowl, pitcher, etc.) with the red berries creates an instant festive focal point.

Russ and I created the poetry stepping stones using this kit from Magnetic Poetry:

I'm thinking of using a large collection of inspirational words to create a one-of-a-kind pathway to our front door. Won't Russ be thrilled?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Creating the Spring Orchard

After much cold, rainy weather already this autumn season, the last few days have been gorgeously sunny. I adore cool, sunny autumn days! The boys have breathed in quantities of fresh air, and a few projects have been accomplished. We (well.... Russ) managed to plant three fruit trees to begin the Spring Orchard. (We'll be planting more in the spring.) I planted 50 daffodil bulbs with Levi's assistance and have various other bulbs to plant in the next few days if our weather holds out.

Eventually, we will have fruit trees bordering the length of our driveway, each tree circled by masses of flowers in the spring. Hence the name Spring Orchard....

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Man Creates Fire

Please, oh please... I really want a fire pit!
Hubby is a great sport, doncha think?

Poppy, Bambi, and my grandparents
come to help us initiate the fire pit.

Leif and Poppy have this special thing going.


Friday, June 15, 2007

The Potager Garden

I had been interested in reading All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew when I saw it recommended (not sure where, or by whom) some time ago. In April, I spied the book at Costco and threw it in the cart. (Somehow it doesn't feel like spending money when it magically appears among the groceries.) Russ stole it out from under my nose and had it read by that evening. He sounded at least a little interested, which was terrific. I needed him on board.

Reading through the book in the next few days, the method sounded startlingly simple. The drawing of my amazing new vegetable garden--not so simple. That might have been when Russ started to go cross-eyed. Nevertheless, he has been a great sport, and I have simplified my expectations for the garden (for this year, anyway. Grin.)

The All New Square Foot Gardening method involvs a special soil mixture, 4'x4' raised beds made out of untreated 2"x6"x8' boards. No tilling, no soil treatments, very little weeding, minimal watering. Sounds good to me.

The book has many helpful references including charts of vegetables--when to plant, weeks to harvest, how long to keep seeds, etc... I would definitely recommend taking a look to see if this is something you might be interested in. The raised beds can be made on patios or porches, so there is no excuse not to have a few fresh vegetables to harvest! It would be a wonderful project to share with kids.

I was additionally inspired by seeing pictures of a wonderful and, in my humble opinion, successful attempt at 'square foot gardening' over at Homeschooling the Doctorate? Check out her progress!

Our project has begun in earnest:

Levi helps dad form the box frames.

Russ attatched weed barrier to the bottom of each box.
He made a fancy hinged wire cage for one of the boxes.
We're not sure if we'll have deer checking out the garden,
but we know we have a rabbit friend in the vicinity.

Our soil mixture.
(Amazon reviews of All New Square Foot Gardening
complain that vermiculite is very hard to find.
We must be lucky. It is available at two local garden supply stores.)

It looks awful, but mint compost is the greatest stuff.
It's readily available here in the Willamette Valley, Oregon.
I've been known to put it on my birthday wish list.
(And I've been gifted a load or two by those who know me best.)

We started a compost pile, but won't be able to make use of it
for quite some time.

Box ready for planting.

Bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, French style beans,
and carrots (red, purple, orange, yellow, and white!).

One box for herbs: rosemary, lavender, parsley, basil, thyme, thyme-oregano, and chives!

(Other two boxes were planted with four tomato plants and zucchini. More will be added soon.)

I'll keep you posted as the garden progresses!