So, you get to help me out. I'm in the mood for more conversation. Please, oh please, play along. I'll post my answers later in the day.
::If a movie was made about your life, which actress would you choose to play your part? Which actor would play your husband?
::If you gave birth to triplets today, what would you name them? (You get to choose the gender. Grin.)
::What are your top two (3, 4...) favorite chapter books from your childhood or for children ages 6-12?
::What is the best gift you have ever received?
See you in the comments!
We're having the same kind of day here. I like your questions.
Me: Katie Holmes (wishful thinking, especially on the height) Husband: Seth Rogan. I think they could get the teasing banter that we have right.
Anna for a girl, Colin for a boy, and Cooper for either. At least, I think it's cute for either.
All the ones I like are on the girly side, but www.guysread.com is a site I recently discovered that's got good boy reads grouped by age.
My KitchenAid Mixer with flame decals. Coolest thing ever.
New reader here. I'll play!
:: Reece Witherspoon because she just seems a little more "real" to me than many other actresses. Although we look nothing alike...beginning with the fact that I have dark brown hair. I can't think of an actor to play my husband. Maybe some Sports Center anchor?
:: We're expecting a new (surprise gender) baby in December and are currently wrestling with names. I guess TODAY my triplets would be (girl) Dayton Grace, (boy) Colton Allen, (boy) Cael Jackson. I'm certain those answers will be different tomorrow.
:: Ooh, there are so many! The first that come to mind are Anne of Green Gables, Chronicles of Narnia, all the "Little House" books by Laura Ingles Wilder, My Side of the Mountain and the Little Women series. And I read a lot of Boxcar Children from the ancient set my grandmother owned (I was scolded because when I'd dog-ear a page to mark my place the corner would break off!).
:: This is hard too! Can I be all cheesy and say my favorite gift is my husband's choice to commit himself to love, cherish and care for me every day? Yep, that's got to be it.
I apologize for my long-windedness. I've never been accused of being concise.
Ooh, I'll answer the triplets one. We've had boy names picked out with each pregnancy but never had a chance to use them, so I have three boy names right off the bat. So. The triplets shall be all boys and we shall call them: Ezekiel, Samuel and Alexander. (I don't know about middle names. Dale was always the middle name of choice for us because it is my brother-in-law's name, and we finally gave up and used it for a female middle name on this last one!)
Lucy Lawless... my nickname for years was Xena. Pierce Brosnan would probably be the closest match for Prairie Guy. More technically he would be a hybrid between Pierce and Chris Noth...
Avely Grace, Helena Joelle and Nicholas Daniel.
Anything L.M. Mongomery or Arleta Richardson. I'll keep it to two, otherwise it could easily become 20.
My engagement ring. Purchased from my favourite spot in the world, the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, and given to me by my favourite person in the world. Sigh.
This was fun, Heidi!
Seriously, something must be in the water or the pull of the full moon.
I am determined that today will be a better day! Therefore, I am starting it early with "me" time visiting some of my favs.
I'll play along. Hope today dawns better for you as well!
::If a movie was made about your life, which actress would you choose to play your part? Which actor would play your husband?
Kristen Davis - it might be because I have the Charlotte chracter burned on the brain, but she seems to play the "classy lady" that I always aspire to be. David Duchovny for my hubby - not because they favor each other, but because I would love to watch "me" kiss "him." There goes the "lady," I'm guessing.
::If you gave birth to triplets today, what would you name them? (You get to choose the gender. Grin.)
Meredith Josephine, Rachel and Evan (all names I wish I had a chance to use)
::What are your top two (3, 4...) favorite chapter books from your childhood or for children ages 6-12?
Hands down - Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell. I don't think anyone else in the 5th grade got a chance to check it out.
::What is the best gift you have ever received?
Going for the "aw" here - my two sweet boys. The greatest gifts from the Lord above. (Seriously, Ponte Vecchio?! That is so incredibly romantic!)
I love these questions!
Movie - she's dead but she's my favorite actress - Ingrid Bergman and my husband would be Gary Cooper.
Triplets: I already have 3 boys and love their names (Ian, Aidan, Liam)
Favorite chapter books: I didn't read when I was younger and my mother never read to us (yeah, play those violins) but books I have read to my kids that I've loved: All the Narnia, Johnny Tremain, Stone Fox, Carry On Mr. Bowditch
Best gift: just recently my waffle iron (ancient Fostoria) broke. My husband said, "Go buy a new one." My mother in law was ready to do so (we eat waffles a lot so that's why it was a need and not a want). I didn't want a new one. I wanted my old one fixed. My father in law - for my birthday, took the 2 hours to buy the needed parts and repair it. I was overjoyed!
heidi -- you are precious...absolutely precious...and you know when god looks down on you he smiles so big and you are the apple of his eye -- even yesterday....he is so pleased with how you are handling the three gifts he gave you...so so proud....
What fun, I'm not having the best few days either, so anything to distract me is welcome.
~Movie - Meg Ryan - not for looks,but spunk- or Reese Witherspoon (southern accent)-I'll watch any movie these 2 are in. Dermont Mulrony - just like him can't think of anyone famous that looks like L square - As long as he can make me laugh we're good.
~Triplets -Oh my
Henry, Barrett, Olivia
I already have 1 of each - so I know 1 girl is all I can handle
~Anne of Green Gables is my favorite, my dad is a writter so I had Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys & Laura Ingles Wilder Little House on the Parie books + more that I can't recall were always handy
My kids are working our way through the Chronicles of Narnia ( all 7) but on CD -22hours
~Best gift - I'm so blessed with a wonderful husband (not doubt hand picked by God for me) and 2 sweet, funny,smart & beautiful Children. The love of God.
Each new day is a gift, something to treaure (trust I have bad ones too)
Earthy gift -Laughter My favorite gifts are time with friends - going for coffee or a night out to eat, or a get together at my home, making memories.
Ooh, fun. I hope your day is going better today!
1. I`d be played by Reese Witherspoon, and my hubby by Jay Hernandez.
2. For triplets, I`d opt for boys if I had the choice (added to the two I have already) and they would be named: Sebastian, Dominic, and Caleb.
3. Oh, I read so many books at that age! The Chronicles of Narnia, anything by Monica Hughes, Encyclopedia Brown, The Hardy Boys, The Famous Five, Trixie Belden, Bobbsey Twins, plus classics like Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, and Black Beauty. I`ll stop there, because I could keep going for years.
4. Best gift ever was for my 9th birthday. I was totally horse crazy and wanted a horse SO BADLY. It was all I asked for, but my parents couldn`t afford a horse, obviously, so my dad did the next best thing. He volunteered to do accounting for a whole year for this riding instructor in exchange for twice a week riding lessons for a YEAR for me! :D
::If a movie was made about your life, which actress would you choose to play your part? Which actor would play your husband?
Me: Me-Liv Tyler Hubby-Matthew McConahay
::If you gave birth to triplets today, what would you name them? (You get to choose the gender. Grin.)
3 girls- Meredith, Jewel, and Hazel
::What are your top two (3, 4...) favorite chapter books from your childhood or for children ages 6-12?
Little House on the Prarie series
Where the Red fern grows
::What is the best gift you have ever received?
Salvation through Jesus Christ!
I'm loving your answers!! Keep them coming. I'll comment more later.
Thanks for cheering me up. Today is looking much better than yesterday!
Heidi- I am sorry to hear you had a frusterating day. Good Job on taking care of yourself and going to bed. Things are always better in the morning.
A movie of my life played by Jennifer Aniston and George Cloony
Names for triplets Charlotte,Margaret,Abigal
My Favorite book growing up
Are you there God its me Margaret
by Judy Blume
Best gift I ever recieved
Thanks that was fun
Well, my husband would definitely be Matt Damon, since he looks just like him. So, I'll make myself Minnie Driver, who starred with him in something I can't remember the name of...
My triplets would be Zoe, Clair, and Asher (or Timothy). Two girls and a boy.
Childhood books - Little Women, Little House on the Prairie, Charlotte's Web.
Best gift - My dh took me to Arizona for a week on our 10th anniversary. What a great time!
hang in there girlie! i posted my "chat" on my blog......you are an amazing mama and we all need a break sometimes!
Yes, definitely something going on with the moon phase. My kids have been giving me fits!
You ask the best questions. They are so fun! I think I might have to borrow a few of them for my own blog. Do you mind?
OK, the actress in my life movie would be either Jen Garner or Amanda Peet. The actor would be McDreamy (my hubby was actually on a plane with him once and McDreamy commented to my husband that they looked alike! I don't know that I would go that far, but they do have the same hair).
Triplet names: Wilder, Knox, and Greye.
books: I loved the Trixie Belden (sp?) Series, as well as the Nancy Drew Series.
Best Gift I ever received: My kitchen aid mixer (unexpected and I wanted it desperately!).
~The actor to play my husband would be a mix of Harrison Ford and Dana Carvey. :) Not sure about me.
~I actually have triplet neices and a nephew, so I've given this one a thought of two. I don't know exactly, but since Lydia is named after my Nana, maybe Lilly after my other Grandmom. Or Harper after my best friend's last name and Harper Lee. I would definitely pray for one girl, two boys. Girls are so much more time and energy consuming. I don't know how I could handle more than one at a time! :) I love the name Sam,too.
~Fav. chapter books: Caddie Woodlawn, Little House series, A Wrinkle in Time
~My Nana's wedding/engagement band. I can still see in perfect detail what the beautiful hands that wore these rings looked like when they taught me to braid, stirred a batch of cookies, and held my hand.
1. Reese Witherspoon or a younger Hellen Hunt for me and Russell Crow for my hubby.
2. I actually have triplets that are almost 5 yrs. old and their names are Zoe, Megan, and Clay.
3. Frog and Toad & Goosebumps
4. of course my children, followed by a red Jeep Wrangle for my 18th birthday.
Seriously, you guys are the best. I'm considerably cheered. I loved reading your answers! Thanks to all the newbies for playing along.
jen rouse~ I know what that is like. Kinda. I have a lot of girl names that went unused. ;-P
Prairie Chick~ Lucy Lawless and Pierce Brosnan?! And an engagement ring from Florence. My life is starting to sound decidedly boring, LOL.
eudae mamia~ That's it! The moon was full. Definitely blaming it on the moon.
Country Girl~ I'm guessing I wouldn't have won any mothering awards yesterday, but it is a good thing we had a fresh day today. Thanks for the encouragement!
Kambria and Laurel~ I enjoyed visiting your blog posts!
Kim~ Hmmm. Russell Crowe might work well to play my hubby as well. Maybe a cross between Tom Hanks and Russell Crowe. How is that for a combination, LOL.
Again, thanks for each and every comment. Lots of good books, charming names, special gifts, and interesting actors/actresses!
I'd like to say Jennifer Aniston or Jorja Fox but if I was portrayed with realism it would be someone who looks like Rosie O'Donnell or America Ferrera ala Betty mode.
I'd love the husband to be a Josh Duhamel or Matt Damon type but pesky reality says Jack Black.
Besides my son Marshall, the triplets would be called Mackenzie (girl), Brady (boy) and Catherine (girl).
Little House On The Prairie series by Laura Ingalls.
My laptop in terms of enjoyment & use but also the first proper present my son got me with his own saved up pocket money.
Can I just answer the triplets question, because I have to go fix breakfast for my real-life children?
My southern-author-triplet girls:
Flannery Ann, Harper Katherine, and Carson Lee
My celtic boys:
Liam Ross, Declan Riley, and Rowan Seamus
::Today I am liking Margaret in North & South for me. As for Paul, no man fits his mold... though Tom Hanks is the closest I can find in temperament.
::Triplets: I would choose boys but I only have girl names picked... poor things... Lillian, Alice, Arwen.
::Chapter books: Babysitters Club, Sweet Valley High, and sadly Dean Kootnz (not appropriate but I read him in jr high and high school)
::What is the best gift you have ever received? My husband... and possibly our vacations... both honeymoon and Nauvoo as a family. (I suppose its our time together- the real gift.)
Then material gift... the camera I got last week with all its accesories and Paul's infamous surprise shopping sprees. What a gem he is!
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