
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Educational Plans: Fall 2010

(With a newborn baby in the house.)

Levi (8) ~ 3rd Grade
Luke (6) ~ 1st Grade
Leif (4) ~ K4

Classical Conversations (3 hrs (one morning) per week for 12 weeks): Memory work: Bible, math (skip counting), English grammar, Latin, history/timeline, geography, and science. Oral presentation. Fine arts project. Science project. Then social time during lunch.

Daily (4 days per week):

Levi and Luke will have daily checklists for their work, which can mostly be done independently if needed. I hope to have both math worksheets and handwriting workbooks on the table when the boys wake up, so they can start in right away (Russ can get them going if I'm not up yet.)

Leif will be attending Classical Conversations and joining in as much of the other studies as he is able. He will have his own handwriting workbook. My mom has offered to take the boys to Classical Conversations as often as I need her to do so, and may join us even when I'm able to go.

Thanskgiving - New Year's will be bare-bones essentials (math review, handwriting workbooks, reviewing memory work with CDs (no new material), piano practice (Christmas songs), and independent reading) along with as much Christmas season reading and celebrating as we can manage.

In January we will resume our weekly Classical Conversations classes for another 12 weeks (2 weeks off for spring break), the daily tasks we did in the fall, history studies with The Story of the World: Early Modern Times, science with Christian Kids Explore Physics, math lessons with RightStart, and begin studying English grammar, writing, and poetry with Michael Clay Thompson materials. We may take these slowly and then increase our speed in April after CC is finished for the year.

I'm still undecided as to what to do for Latin, as CC uses classical pronunciation which is different from Prima Latina (which we've done) and Latina Christiana's ecclesiastical pronunciation. I've purchased Song School Latin and then will consider using Minimus, Learning Latin Through Mythology, and/or Latin for Children.

I'll be reviewing our studies and schedules as our CC year draws to a close in April.

I've added this link over at Heart of the Matter for the 2010 (Not) Back-to-School Blog Hop. Why don't you come join the fun?!


Kim said...

I found your blog checking on the dates for the Oregon Garden homeschool day for 2010- we went last year, and we are planning to attend this year.

We are also doing Classical Conversations this fall. We are new to the Salem, OR group. Just recently attended the practicum in Salem. Maybe you were there?

Love the pictures and home school daily schedule. Always helpful to see what others are doing. We homeschooled for the first time last year - I'm hoping this year is a bit smoother :-)

Maybe we'll see you in Salem if you live in the valley!


Renee said...

Love your schedule! We used Song School Latin last year and have Latin for Children this year. We loved Song School Latin- it's easy, simple, and enjoyable.

Amanda said...

Looks fabulous -- so inspiring!

I hadn't seen Learning Latin Through Mythology before -- I'm planning to use Lively Latin, since it fits right in to where we are in history this year. It means we'll spend a whole year in Rome and early church history, but hopefully we won't get bored of it.

heather said...

Love that you posted this! I still haven't gotten our year mapped out yet. Reading this is super helpful!

April said...

My thoughts are also beginning to turn to the fall and "start" of the school year... I am thankful for the ideas and links I find in your blog.

Chrissie Love said...

Sounds like you have good plans :) I just wanted to let you know, regarding Latin, that many of my fellow CCers use programs that teach the Ecc. pronunciation and haven't found it to be a problem learning both :)
We use Song SL and love it :)

Kimberly said...

Cool, my son's middle name is Leif :)

Tracy said...

Have a GREAT year!

Anonymous said...

Fun! I went to a Classical Conversations seminar. It was so wonderful. We are not doing it this year. But will pray about it for the future.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are so organized! Love it. I can't wait to use Song School Latin with my daughter. Hope you have a fantastic year!

Jessica S. said...

Love your photos! Thank you for sharing your homeschool curriculum with us! I love to do the blog hop!
Happy Homeschooling.

Trina said...

What a great year you have planned, thanks so much for sharing it with all of us in blog world. Wishing you a wonderful school year.

Sheri said...

I have not heard of Classical Conversations...thanks for sharing that. I was going to suggest perhaps looking at Memoria Press' materials for Latin, but looks like you know about em. :0)
Have a great year.

Monica said...

Your blog is always such a blessing to read. Thank you for all you shared!
We are also doing CC this year (our second year) and I will be a tutor again for my son's year (Apprentice).
I use Prima Latina and have not found it to be a distraction to what CC does with Latin.
Congratulations on the newest blessing to your family!

Brenda said...

I like how you plan to not do as much in Nov/Dec. It's real life and planning for it makes it less frustrating. I need to remember that!

Ali said...

I am in the Willamette Valley too! I have heard a lot of good things about Classical Conversations. I just haven't taken the time to take a closer look at it. Perhaps I should!

Unknown said...

Found your blog through the blog hop. Looks like you have your school year pretty well planned.

Robin Johnson said...

CC sounds like just the thing to help manage homeschool and a newborn. Brilliant planning!

Our Family for His Glory said...

Hi! I found you through the Blog Hop- what a cute family you have! :)
I love how you have planned to only do the essentials from Thanksgiving- New Years. What a great idea!

Catherine said...

I came by from the blog hop, and I signed up to follow with GF. Have a wonderful school year!

Stephanie said...

I have heard wonderful things about Right Start math. It looks like you have a great year planned. Enjoy!