The internet is a beautiful, beautiful thing for homeschoolers. There is such an abundance of resources available to parents and their children for little to no cost.

My favorite new site: FAMOUS PAINTINGS Art Appreciation/Lessons For Kids.
These studies of Famous Paintings were written on an elementary level, but will be of interest to all ages. They will help students become familiar with and learn to appreciate the works of famous artists. Teachers, for each lesson you will find a biography of the artist, a study sheet, a worksheet, a greyscale print of the picture, a jigsaw puzzle, a printable and online crossword puzzle, word search, and word scramble, links for further research, and links to art lessons for many of the artists. There are posters, books, and videos you can order.
And there are 48 artists/masterpieces to study!! You could study one artist a month for four years! Fabulous, I tell you!
I've mentioned it before, but have you checked out Classics for Kids? Learn about the instruments of the orchestra and famous composers with radio shows, games, worksheets, quizzes, and even detailed lessons plans covering concepts such as Rhythm, Melody, Form, Timbre/Tone Color, Harmony, and Style. You can study composers by Classics for Kids' monthly featured composer, alphabetically, geographically, by musical period, or in chronological order.
For more about the individual instruments in the orchestra, try San Francisco Symphony Kids. YouTube is an excellent place to search for composers, musical instruments, and artists, as well.
For more about the individual instruments in the orchestra, try San Francisco Symphony Kids. YouTube is an excellent place to search for composers, musical instruments, and artists, as well.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for these great links!! I really want to incorporate a composer-of-the-month and an artist-of-the-month with our schooling this year and these sites will greatly add!
I second that...thank you for being such a RESOURCE for those that are coming up behind you. I can't tell you how thankful I am for your ideas and research!
Julie in St. Louis
Great links!! Thanks so much!
I just enjoyed sitting here listening to that beautiful music. You truly are an incredible resource person. I don't always comment but we always enjoy your blog so much, Heidi Grandma
Thanks for the links and love the music! :)
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