He is a whiz at reading, writing, and math. He will be in class at Classical Conversations this year, working through his own handwriting workbook, having fun with numbers, and reading, reading, reading aloud and independently. Leif will join in on other lessons with his big brothers as much as possible. His teacher is hopeful that he will work on his ability to be quiet while she is reading and talking.
Luke, Mr. Earnest, turned 6 just a few months ago and is now starting 1st grade. He is a natural with math and is a fabulous reader. He loves projects, games, and one-on-one attention.
This year he will work on perfecting his handwriting, breeze through math, spend time reading independently, and continue piano lessons. He will participate in Classical Conversations, Bible, Latin, grammar, science, geography, art, music, and poetry (in varying degrees). Luke will also join his older brother for history and literature, increasing and applying (his teacher hopes) what little attention span he has. His teacher also plans to keep him very, very busy so that he stays out of Curious George trouble.
Levi, Mr. Effervescent, is 8 1/2 going on either 2 or 20 (depends on what minute you ask his teacher). He is officially a 3rd grader, though he reads on an 8th+ grade level and math (sigh)... Well, maybe we won't talk about math. He is sure he knows everything, and sometimes one almost believes it. Almost. He is constantly talking or humming, which must help his head stay clear, but doesn't have the same effect on those around him. He excells in any subject with words, such as debate.
This year he will begin Classical Conversations and continue with math, cursive handwriting, spelling, grammar, Latin, Bible, science (chemistry then physics), history (Early Modern), literature (tied in with history), geography, piano review (taking a break from lessons), music, poetry, and art. He will read hundreds of books in his free time. His teacher hopes that he will develop an ability to work independently on occasion without getting distracted in the first three seconds, as well as develop a pleasant attitude toward work, instruction, and those in authority.
Heidi, Mrs. Expectant (Exhausted? Enormous?) (pictured with the newest student, Miss Enchanting), will be teaching her children this year, in between baby feedings and naps. Occasionally, baby will BE the lesson.
Russ, Mr. Enduring, will work long hours to support his family. He will overlook a disasterous house. He will bring home pizza for dinner so the boys don't starve. He will love us like crazy.
Boy, oh boy (pun intended), the student-teacher ratio is getting a little overwhelming...
Our theme for this year:

I've linked this post over at Heart of the Matter's (Not) Back to School Blog Hop.
Come join the fun!
Oh Heidi, those are delightful! You are beautiful. I love the baby bump. Now I'm wondering what kind of props to use for my girls for school. We have a co=op this year for the first time, so the girls may just get their own lunch boxes...that might be something to use.
I loved the way you have introduced your family. I'm going to have to get a bit more creative when I update the pictures on my page! You have inspired me to get out of our box! ;)
Super awseome post/photos!! :) Love it. Happy Homeschooling
Thanks for the happy-belly-picture!! :))
very, very sweet.
renee @ FIMBY
Wonderfully creative photos. You have good looking boys. Good luck when the baby comes. Have a good school year!
WOW!! Now those are school photos. Very creative. Have a great year.
Love this post, Heidi!!
You are so cute to post you and Hubs, too! You're glowing, BTW!! ;)
Hope you have a wonderful year!! Happy Homeschooling!
Gorgeous school photos... and delicious boys! What a treat it is to see you and your husband as well. You two are so sweet.
Funny, your oldest sounds so like mine.... he knows everything too! I don't know how I ever did a thing without him to tell me how it ought to be done. :-) And yes, "develop a pleasant attitude toward work, instruction and those in authority" - those sound like perfect goals for his school year as well!
1) I loved this post.
2) I *REALLY* loved this post.
I am due in about 2 weeks and a wee bit panicky about the coming school year---which is to officially start in 3 weeks!?!?
I have a question for you if you have a moment. I have an almost 7 year old girlie who is going into 2nd grade and is reading really well.
My son, age 4, says he WANTS to do school and wants to read but I worry he isn't ready for it. He is great with manipulatives and puzzles and building things-that seems to be his forte and I have read all sorts of things about how boys are later readers and perhaps one should wait a bit to start teaching reading (for the sanity of both teacher and student) and yet-here you are, with three boys who are already reading well and loving it and I am wondering what your thoughts are on the matter. What is your "secret"?
My Andrew has expressed the desire to want to read-so I would like to utilize that, but I don't want to frustrate him either. Right now, he doesn't even know the letter sounds.
I'd love to hear your input.
3) You do not look third trimester pregnant, lady! Seriously. You look amazing.
4)Love the idea of a motto (and the one you chose!)
Have a great day!
Awww...I LOVED this post, Heidi! SO sweet! Your whole family is so adorable. Your school plans are wonderful. Your nicknames are perfection. Your photos are filled with personality. Love it. Love you!
I can't even tell you how much I love this idea!! What great pictures!
You guys are all so gorgeous. I had no idea you're pregnant, you look freaking fantastic! When are you due? I'm due October 5th :-)
Awesome, wonderful, gorgeous, fantastic! Well I simply can't decide which adjective works best. What wonderful & gorgeous photos & what a wonderful plan you have. It will be just great - I know you will enjoy this year, along with learning things you could never plan for. Have a wonderful & blessed time! Thanks for sharing, I always live your site refreshed some how - you have a real gift!
How do I love this post? Let me count the ways! First, let me also tell you how incredible you look. And what fabulous ideas for the NBTS photos! I am so wowed by your creativity and talent. That's why I keep on comin' back! I think your baby is due on my first daughter's birthday.
Love it here! Have to follow!
Blessings to a wonderful year. Catherine Anne
What adorable boys! Seriously adorable!
And a little girl on the way. Can we say 'spoiled much'? :)
Loved meeting your family. I hope this is a wonderful year full of joy!
Holy cow, lady! You barely even look pregnant. Love the pictures.
Yay! A pregnancy photo! You look so wonderful! Beautiful! I am so happy for you. What an adventure you're on. :)
How fun! Love these pics. You look GREAT and I love the floral. I dressed in bright, vibrant colors with my pregnancies, too. Maternity clothes are so fun now!
YEAH!!! Its Heidi!! ... oh and Russ too. Oh anyhoo... it is soooo good to see you. And you look AAAMAZING!! I am so tickled to read this post... I may have to come back to it a few times... WOO HOO!!
Thanks for the PEEKS... for sure!!
Wow. wow. WOW!!!!!
I've been meaning all week to leave a gushing comment about the amazingness and wonderfulness of these images!!!! I L.O.V.E. them - the colors, the props, the boys' expressions, your delightful belly! What a fabulous way to celebrate the beginning of another year.
Me? I'm not so much celebrating as I'm still deep in the land of denial - "oh no, school is NOT happening in 2 weeks ..." :-} I guess I need to get over that soon! Maybe tomorrow. Or the day after .... or ???
I haven't been by in awhile and all I have to say is Oh my word...your work is beautiful! Love your clean processing and the theme of this session is adorable! Just thought you should know ;)
I love, love, love the pics!
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