
Friday, June 24, 2011

Random Real Life: Part V

You all are spoiling me with your awesome comments. I’m so glad that this little ‘series’ has blessed others!!

There’s a reason I don’t do this all the time, though. You’d get sick of the monotony, LOL! Look… it’s Lola in her high chair. Look… the boys are making a mess of the living room floor, again. Look… I’m eating stuff I shouldn’t. Look… I fed the boys NuGo bars for lunch (again) and called it good. Ooooh, the boys are riding their bikes. Another poopy diaper. Such excitement.

Today I made dentist appointments for the family. That’s as exciting as it gets, folks.

Lola had a very long morning nap. Making up for last night, I guess. I wish I could have taken a nap, too, but I was at least totally lazy, avoiding all the to-do list…. and strangely in a great mood.

Luke piano

Math, handwriting, piano practice, chores, laundry, something posing as lunch…

We made the trek over to the pediatrician (we LOVE her, so we travel an hour or so round trip) to weigh Lola. Bonus: the nurse took one look at Luke and asked if I wanted her to call in a prescription for him. Nah, he’s fine….. Well, okay. Why not.

Lola is up to 20 pounds 4 ounces (at one week shy of 9 months). Not bad. She was 18 pounds 7 oz (and 28 inches) six weeks ago, so she has gained close to 2 pounds. Still smaller than the boys. (Luke hit 19 pounds at 4 months, and all three of them were over 20 pounds at 6 months.) (Just for fun, here is Leif at 9 months.)

We took advantage of being a city away and stopped by a new grocery store. Not really a good idea with all four kids. I know this, and yet I still torture myself. I would have taken a picture of us inside the store, but, really, it was all I could do to put a couple things in the cart and get. out. of there. The boys ate bananas (one of the things I managed to buy) in the truck while I nursed Lola, then we headed home.

We used the driving time to listen to our poetry, hymns, and CC memory work CDs. At least I hope the boys could hear the CDs over the fighting in the back seats… The sun finally came out on our way home at 3pm. I think it hit all of 71 degrees.

Swim team practice (Russ took Levi), Applegate hot dogs, family swim night, and bed. Our work here is done.

blue skies

bird poop and blue skies

Off topic: I’m totally working myself up to a huge new project. I’m getting inspired here and here and here and here and here and here and here, too! I bet you can’t guess what it is! Ha! My husband says he is tired already. At the rate we’ve been accomplishing things, it will be done in 2014.


Mirjam said...

I like your 'new'(?) style of posting. Funny and very identifiable (is that a word?? I googled a translation ;))

Tsh @ Simple Mom said...

Ooh, can't wait to see what you do with your homeschool room (in person, of course)! I'm inspired.

And I love how bald Lola is. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

i've totally enjoyed your recent posts. Lola is so cute!

Heather said...

I too have loved this great "real life" posts. And I just love that little baby girl. What adorable expressions she makes and those chubby cheeks are too much! I didn't look at the school room links yet but I've seen Ann's and it is very inspiring, so I can imagine what the others must be like.
In Him,

Heather said...

I too have loved this great "real life" posts. And I just love that little baby girl. What adorable expressions she makes and those chubby cheeks are too much! I didn't look at the school room links yet but I've seen Ann's and it is very inspiring, so I can imagine what the others must be like.
In Him,

Stephanie said...

These real life posts are great - I need to do one sometime, if I can work up the courage. : )

And your baby girl is adorable. All my little girls didn't have hair for a long time - miss those sweet soft heads.

Unknown said...

Love the inspiration photos. Here's one I've been saving that seems to fit...

Heidi said...

Tsh~ It'll look like a disaster zone when you see it. ;-P You'll have to come back when I'm all finished!!

Kiley~ LOVE IT!! Thanks for the link!

Christie said...

Fun schoolroom links! Have fun creating your space.

renee @ FIMBY said...

Have you ever shared what you use for Hymns? I don't recall, sorry if you have and I didn't notice.

Teaching hymns and relearning them myself has been on my todo list for years and this summer I'm actually starting it. I want some mp3's that are current in musical style to learn them. What do you use?

Heidi said...

Renee~ I've used a combination of things. Cedarmont Kids has an inexpensive Hymns CD with 16 hymns. I like the selection, but the music quality is just okay. You can listen to them at Amazon. We also have Hymns for a Kid's Heart book/CD combo. It has a little historical story and devotional for each hymn. Music quality is a little better, but not my favorite. The boys have learned to play many hymns on the piano using the Faber books which I LOVE. The series starts with very simple arrangements, but sound wonderful...even when played by a 7 year old. :) Also, the VBS CDs that we purchase (last year and this year) each have an AMAZING rendition of a hymn (O, The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus and How Great Thou Art). I WISH I could find a CD full of that style! (And I was skeptical about the music before I purchased the first CD, but they are both favorites of MINE!) So... maybe not much help. Sorry! Let me know if you find anything!