
Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6th, 2012

Lola reading 4

A clean house, Beatrix Potter, ‘social’ sentence diagramming, a new friend, Mortimer Adler, waffles, Porgy and Bess, Latin stems, Telling God's Story, Pinocchio, The Story of the World, The Charge of the Light Brigade, Langston Hughes, laundry, an ice-cold Dr. Pepper, math, a nap for the cutest little girl in the world, Old Navy, pizza, sunshine, spelling, grammar, Winnie-the-Pooh, family swim night, grocery shopping, blogging, a late night snack, cleaning house, dishes, laundry...

She bonked her head and was all sorts of sadness. So she asked for her blankie. And then her pillow. And then her water cup. And then a book. And then everything was right with the world.