I’m having quite the difficult time getting into the swing of January. But…onward, right?
We had our first day back to Classical Conversations on Monday. I wasn’t ready mentally, physically, or emotionally, but that’s one of the big reasons we’re in CC: to keep me accountable for getting our rears in gear.
I’m on day 7 of another Whole30. It has gone rather smoothly this time around. Probably because I’m not giving myself as much leeway as I did last time. I have some pretty big goals for the next three months leading up to my birthday at the end of March.
I haven’t even gotten baby time recently!! You can see darling pictures on my mom’s blog, though.
So many things to do, so little time self-discipline.
I have a plethora of pictures of Lola to share from the other day. They are blurry and unedited, but they are perfectly Lola.
I can’t get her to sit still and look at the camera. I had to bribe her with the ipad (she’s an ipad master). So I managed to get pictures of her sitting still, but not looking at the camera. Whenever she looked at me or smiled, the picture was blurry (blame our dark, gray winters and a house without great natural light—or maybe my poor technical skills). She is always in motion when she’s happy. I have two choices: pensive and in focus or smiling and blurry. She has an awesome range of facial expressions, though. And she’s my third kiddo with incredibly expressive eyebrows.

(This next one is in focus because it is her fake smile. Ha!)
Waving her foot at me:

She has fabulous bed head.

Believe it or not, I have a bunch more, but I won’t torture you with them until tomorrow!
Hi Heidi! So great to hear you're doing the Paleo diet. I've been doing it for 8 days. I had only intended on doing it for 2 weeks but it's going pretty well, so we'll see. I don't know though if I've ever eaten this much meat or so many almonds! I cannot however give up my diet pepsi. I need something! I've also been doing crossfit since October. Many crossfitters follow the paleo diet. The diet isn't too bad when I'm at home, homeschooling, but I find it tricky when I'm out. Crossfit is worth checking into. It's completely outside of my unathletic comfort zone, but it really pushes me to be strong and just play. Anyhow, it's nice to hear that someone else is trying this approach. Would love to hear more. I reread your post from 2011 and I too...love food and eating. I too have terrible eating habits. I've been working out (a lot since last May) and this has helped with my energy level, but I'm determined to make healthy eating more of a habit! Good luck and thanks for sharing. Alison
You should sell these to Apple for their next marketing campaign. Who could resist a happy, adorable toddler?!
- Hannah (not Ian)
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