
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Random Wednesday

Now that I have my curricula and resources series wrapped up, I need to be playing catch-up on all the pictures I’ve let slip through the cracks this past month. Unfortunately, I’m a perfectionist whose mind is swirling. And because I can’t do everything in proper order with proper form and pizazz, I’m struggling to get things from there to here (brain to blog).

But imperfectly done is better than perfectly imagined, so here is some randomness for your Wednesday.

I just discovered the above band this past week. I’m not one to buy albums (in fact, I don’t even listen to music!), but I think I will have to buy theirs. Aren’t they fantastic? They are seven (homeschooled) brothers and sisters. Check out their website. (I’m not connected to them in any way. I’m just sharing what I love. Speaking of which…)

Lola. The light of our lives. Sweetness and spunk. Crazy. Hilarious. Not-stop-moving-and-talking. Loves girly things. Loves rough-housing with the boys. She is usually very cheerful and independent (though she wants to be where the action is—none of this playing alone stuff).

The boys are attending VBS (Kids’ Camp) this week at our church. I made my first blackberry cobbler of the season. Russ has been out of state travelling for work the past two weeks (Las Vegas and Utah). We’re headed out boating with friends tomorrow. We’ve had more garden parties with friends. Another concert in the park. More tent-in-the-yard-sleeping for the boys. More tire-swinging and sprinkler-playing and friends visiting. All sorts of summer goodness. The weather has been perfect (70s to lower 90s).

It is less that two weeks until the Albany Classical Conversations Parent Practicum. I will be speaking all three days. Come join me! (It’s free, but you will need to register online.)

And I’ll try to get more pictures up tomorrow.

1 comment:

The Prudent Homemaker said...

I hope one day you can all come with him (when it's cooler!) and come play in the backyard on the merry-go-round, and go to the shooting range with us.