Today is our usual hiking day, but I spent all day in a local Classical Conversations Parent Practicum instead of hiking in this 90 degree heat. Since we knew we would be unable to hike this week, Holly and I (with kids plus two friends) took advantage of the 70 degree weather this past Friday and enjoyed McDowell Creek Falls (hike #6!).
We try to make it up here at least a couple times each year. We’ve had so much rain this season, and the water was rushing! Luke did climb up next to these falls (can you see him in the middle on the left?), but the kids certainly didn’t climb around behind the falls like they did in July last year.
We climbed all 140 steps up to the top of the Royal Terrace Falls (some of those steps are giant!), then descended again to continue our hike.

The scenery here is so lush.

We climbed the stairs to the top of Majestic Falls.

The hiking crew.


Heading back down.

We found a peaceful spot to rest, snack, and wade (after Lola ran ahead and I had a small heart attack while trying to find her).

The kids played in the water a bit. Luke and Jake were insane enough to submerge their bodies in the frigid pool. I ached to look at them since my big toe throbbed when I dipped it in.

I’m already looking forward to next week’s hike!