Pay attention.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Thursday, July 19, 2018
52 Hike Challenge ~ Hike 38: Triangulation Peak
On July 2nd (wahoo, I’m caught up to early July!), my four kids, Holly, Ivy, and I drove to Triangulation Peak, unsure of what the weather would hold or whether we’d have a view.
When we hiked this trail two years ago we had difficulties finding the trailhead, but we found it without problems this time around (though the road itself is rough).
When we hiked this trail two years ago it ended up being one of our favorite hiking experiences, even though we were missing the two most exciting parts of the hike, Mt. Jefferson and Boca Cave. This year we had the mountain view and we visited the cave (a highlight of all our hiking adventures), but Triangulation Peak itself was less green and lush due to the recent fire in the area.
When we hiked this trail two years ago Lola was only 5 and struggled to hike to the top, but she’s a hiking pro this year (though she hasn’t lost the attitude).
Below you can see some of the fire damage on the left. Can you see the child climbing on the rock in distance?
We didn’t know until we hit the summit whether we’d be able to see Mt. Jefferson due to the clouds, but check this out. It was right there. I may have wahooo-ed. [“When was the last time you went wahoo?” “I’m sure I don’t know.” Ha!]
This hike has a 360 degree top-of-the-world view like Iron Mountain, but unlike Iron Mountain it feels very remote, isolated. No platform built on the top of the peak for viewers. Just wilderness. I think I prefer Triangulation Peak.
After playing around and eating lunch at the summit we set off to find Boca Cave, not entirely sure where we were going.
We found what we were pretty sure was the trail and descended into the charred underworld. At least that is what it felt like. So much dust and ash.
Mt. Jefferson stayed in view as we descended the steep and slippery path.
We rounded the corner, saw the looming rock formation, and then magicalness (as Levi would say).
We stayed in the cave for a long time, savoring the novel experience. The kids did a bunch of climbing. I took a gazillion photos looking out of the cave.
Boca Cave was definitly one of the big highlights of our hiking adventures this year.
After quite some time we headed back up before we could head down the main trail.
We enjoyed more views of Mt. Jefferson in the increasingly sunny day.
We noticed the contrasting lush green and wildflowers on our way down the trail.
Check out the spikes on the topside of these leaves!
Triangulation Peak remains a favorite. Over 4.5 miles and more than 1,000 feet in elevation gain (though I’m not certain that includes the Boca Cave trail).
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
52 Hike Challenge ~ Hike 37: McDowell Creek Falls (again)
June 29th was my fifth hike at McDowell Creek Falls this year. It’s one of my favorite close(ish) locations, and I appreciate seeing the trail and falls in all different seasons and weather. This hike was sunny and warm and the kids were able to wade a bit. We took the loop twice, as usual.
52 Hike Challenge ~ Hike 36: Horse Rock Ridge (again)
On June 25th I returned to Horse Rock Ridge for the third time this year. The first was cool and cloudy, but we still had a view. The second hike, Holly and I were completely in the clouds (we could hardly see in front of us as we were hiking). This third hike was hot and sunny! Lola, Holly, Ivy, Monet, Bella, Sophia, Christina, Sarah, Hudson, Houston and I hiked the 4 miles and 1,000+ foot elevation gain.
The grass was brown, but the wildflowers were beautiful. We had views of Mt. Jefferson and the Three Sisters at the end of the hike.
Again, we had the trail completely to ourselves.
We finished off our hot afternoon with a swim at McKercher Park on the way home.

52 Hike Challenge ~ Hike 35: Iron Mountain
On June 18th, we made our yearly excursion to the top of Iron Mountain [pics from last year]. We tried to schedule it carefully. We wanted a clear, warm day. This particular Monday was supposed to be hot and sunny, so we started early. In the cold and rain. So much for planning. The kids and I were joined by Char and her kids, Sarah and her kids, and Holly with Ivy and Ilex.
The Iron Mountain trail is only 3 miles, but it’s a strenuous 1,300 foot elevation gain. Straight up. Straight down. That tiny ribbon in the upper left of the above picture is the road where we started.
Even though our weather started out so cool and drizzly, we still had a great view from the summit. The Three Sisters are below.
And Mt. Jefferson:

Sunday, July 15, 2018
52 Hike Challenge ~ Hike 34: Cascadia and Soda Creek Falls
On June 14th, Holly, Char, and I (no kids) hiked at Cascadia on a cool morning. We first hiked to the Cascadia Cave to see the petroglyphs.
It’s really just an overhang, but apparently this was a spiritual place for two indigenous tribes. Petroglyphs were a first on this hiking challenge.
We walked along the river for a bit. I love how the water has worn patterns in the rock. The wildflowers were in bloom.
We then took the 1.4 mile out-and-back trail to the Lower Soda Creek Falls where the water sprayed us and the sun peaked out while we picnicked. It was a rare adult-only hike, and we enjoyed our quiet time.

Friday, July 13, 2018
52 Hike Challenge ~ Hike 33: Marys Peak
June 11th, hike 33.
From the parking lot near the summit, we took North Ridge Trail down, Tie Trail across, East Ridge Trail up, and then Summit Trail to the Peak for a total of about 3.5-4 miles. (A longer loop is shown at this link.) This was our second time hiking this trail, but our first this year.
I started the morning by whacking my head on the rear hatch of my Suburban and bleeding all over. That was the extent of the drama, however, and we (Char, Holly, and I with all our kids) had a gorgeous, misty, magical hike along the trail before the weather cleared and we had some sunshine and bright wildflowers at the top of the peak.